Analysis on issues that transcend borders and transform how people, businesses, and governments engage the world.
Cities are at the forefront of the climate crisis, but local and global partnerships provide scalable solutions.
Tackling the global crisis on housing affordability requires a comprehensive set of policies aimed at providing affordable rental units.
France's presidential election offers fresh insight into the relationship between post-industrial regions and partisan politics.
Geographically targeted economic development strategies can serve as an antidote to political extremism in formerly industrial regions.
A new study reveals the place-based grievances stoking right-wing populism in German industrial regions.
Kyiv, a capital city under siege, falters under the dangers of urbicide. As the victor emerges, so too does a new world order.
Over a million Ukrainian citizens have fled to other European countries. African, Asian, Caribbean nationals living in Ukraine may not be able to do the same.
Economic sanctions: what they are, how the US has used them in foreign policy, and considerations for current policymakers.
Xuefei Ren argues that cities in China and India are more aptly compared in territorial vs. associational governance than by regime type.
There is no understanding geopolitical competition in the 21st century without an understanding of urbanization and cities.