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Russian Youth More Favorable Toward Israel than Older Generations

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Young Russians may be more likely than their elders to give Israel the benefit of the doubt in its conflict with Hamas.

Israeli tanks head towards the Gaza Strip border
Ohad Zwigenberg / AP
Public Opinion

US Elections Part of Global Trend Away from Incumbents

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Public opinion polling offers insights into what cost incumbent leaders and parties at the polls.

a woman votes in US election
Carolyn Kaster / AP
Public Opinion

Net Favorability of the UN Remains Positive Overall

Running Numbers by Jason Gordon

But recent polling finds key drops among the publics of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

United Nations headquarters
Frank Franklin II / AP
Public Opinion

Americans Split over US Response to South Korean Martial Law

Running Numbers by Camille Dolce

The US public is divided on whether Washington should have remained neutral or opposed Yoon’s controversial move.

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during a press briefing
South Korea Unification Ministry via AP
Public Opinion

Turkish Views of Foreign Actors Diverge from Erdoğan's East-West Balance

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Recent polling shows Turks have become more favorably inclined toward the European Union and NATO, while attitudes toward Russia and China have grown more negative.

People are seen behind a European Union and a Turkish flag
Emrah Gurel / AP
Public Opinion

Kenyan Views on Global Actors Shed Light on Nation's Economic Ties

Running Numbers by Coauthors

A plurality of Kenyans express somewhat or very positive opinions about the economic influences of outside state actors in their country.

An SGR cargo train travels from the port containers depot on a Chinese-backed railway in Kenya
Khalil Senosi / AP
Public Opinion

What's Worrying US Foreign Policy Leaders Ahead of the 2024 Election

Running Numbers by Coauthors

A recent survey offers a look at how experts think a Trump or Harris victory will impact US foreign policy moving forward.

A mail-in official ballot for the 2024 general election in the United States
Jenny Kane / AP
Public Opinion

US Support for Israel Remains Steady as Israel and Iran Edge Closer to Direct Confrontation

Running Numbers by Jason Gordon

A roundup of recent polling offers insights into American attitudes toward the conflict.

Israeli soldiers are seen near the Gaza Strip border
Ohad Zwigenberg / AP
US Foreign Policy

American Evangelicals' Unique Support for Israel

Running Numbers by Saafya Alnaqib

American evangelical Christians demonstrate a unique affinity for the nation of Israel, highlighted by their views of the ongoing war in the Middle East.

a wooden cross held in front of American and Israeli flags
Eric Gay / AP
Public Opinion

Americans across Party Lines Express Concern over Weakening US Democracy

Running Numbers by Carson Viggiano

Amid a divisive election cycle, surveys show the US public is worried about the implications of political polarization and eroding democratic infrastructure.

the silhouette of a person walking near the US Capitol
J. David Ake / AP
Public Opinion