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Public Opinion

Americans Believe Sanctions Will Weaken Russia's Economy and Military

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

But neither Americans or Ukrainians think the sanctions will force Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine in the immediate future.

power strip and electricity plug with euro banknotes
Public Opinion

Most Americans Say Climate Change Is a Critical Threat

Public Opinion Survey by Emily Sullivan

But public opinion is sharply divided along partisan lines, 2022 Chicago Council Survey data finds.

a sign that says climate justice now!
Climate and the Environment

Americans and Human Rights in China

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

In new Council polling, Americans say China’s treatment of minority groups isn’t just a question of internal politics.

An ethnic Uighur couple waits as a truck loaded with Chinese paramilitary police goes by in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Public Opinion

Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know

Book by Bruce Jentleson

What works and what doesn't when it comes to sanctions? Nonresident Senior Fellow Bruce Jentleson explains in his book.

padlock on white, red, and blue stripes, via unsplash. Global Economy

Americans Support Afghans—but Not the Taliban Government

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

The 2022 Chicago Council Survey finds broad support for taking in Afghan refugees but not for releasing frozen funds to the Taliban.

A demonstrator holds up a sign that says Let Afghans In during a rally in New York City
Public Opinion

Americans Support Ukraine "As Long As It Takes"

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Survey results show the public remains supportive of US assistance to Ukraine—even if it means paying higher gas and food prices at home.

People with signs saying "Pray for Ukraine stop war" "Stand together" and "Stand with Ukraine" at a Stand With Ukraine rally at the Lincoln Memorial.
Public Opinion

Americans Favor Aiding Taiwan Against China

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Should China invade Taiwan, 2022 Chicago Council Survey data show most Americans would support sending arms but not US troops.

Nancy Pelosi walks with Taiwan's president
Wang Yu Ching
Public Opinion

Russians and Americans Sense a New Cold War

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Russians and Americans seem to sense a global alignment of democracies versus autocracies, and both publics fear a nuclear exchange.

Fallout shelter sign on brick wall next to trees.
Public Opinion

Americans Support Ukraine—but Not with US Troops or a No-Fly Zone

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A new poll reveals that Americans see Russia as a significant threat to US interests and support military and economic assistance to Ukraine.

Rally In Support Of Ukraine Held In New York City
Public Opinion

Russian Public Accepts Putin's Spin on Ukraine Conflict

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A new Chicago Council-Levada poll reveals the Russian public appears to be buying Putin's explanation for "military operation" in Ukraine.

Russian public celebrating after Putin speech in Feb, waving Russian flags.
Public Opinion