Content that explores public opinion in the US or around the world.
A conversation with polling experts during the week of the DNC in Chicago explores how factors like race and age play into Americans’ views on foreign policy.
Experts discuss the Council’s latest polling on nuclear issues and what more can be done to engage the next generation.
Young Russians may be more likely than their elders to give Israel the benefit of the doubt in its conflict with Hamas.
Public opinion polling offers insights into what cost incumbent leaders and parties at the polls.
Across party lines, however, opinion leaders oppose sending US troops to Taiwan to aid Taipei's defense should China invade.
Most Americans—including a majority of Republicans—favor a range of measures to reverse or adapt to climate change.
Commentary & Analysis
Russian Youth More Favorable Toward Israel than Older Generations
Young Russians may be more likely than their elders to give Israel the benefit of the doubt in its conflict with Hamas.
US Elections Part of Global Trend Away from Incumbents
Public opinion polling offers insights into what cost incumbent leaders and parties at the polls.