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Biden Admin Weighs More Military Support for Ukraine

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Secretary Blinken’s meeting with Russian Minister Lavrov suggest that there is “at least some possibility of having a diplomatic opening,” Council President Ivo Daalder tells CNN.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking with Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell on CNN. US Foreign Policy

Russia Calls for "Concrete Response" on Security Guarantees

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As Russia-NATO talks commence in Brussels, Council President Ivo Daalder analyzes President Vladimir Putin's position on Ukraine with CNN’s Bianna Golodryga.

Global Politics

Food Insecurity's Socio-Emotional Impacts on Children

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Roger Thurow speaks at the Child Youth Forum on food insecurity’s impact on the socio-emotional health, development, and wellbeing of young people.

Stethoscope on an apple a child is holding.
Nenad Stojkovic
Food and Agriculture

Biden Warns Putin Ukraine Invasion Will Be Met with Real Costs

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“The choice really now is Moscow. It can either engage in diplomacy or see the kinds of measures that President Biden laid out,” Ivo Daalder explains on CNN.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking about President Biden's meeting with Putin on CNN. Global Politics

Reflections on a Century of Global Leadership

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Richard Longworth, author of "Chicago and the World: 100 years of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs," talks with Council President Ivo H. Daalder and former Council presidents John E. Rielly and Marshall M. Bouton.

Reassuring Allies on Nonproliferation

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Council President Ivo Daalder speaks on a panel with CSIS on security in Northeast Asia, extended deterrence, non-proliferation, public opinion, and the US-ROK alliance.

Ivo Daalder on a panel with CSIS' the Capital Cable #35.
Defense and Security

China to NATO: Stay Out of Asia-Pacific

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"The idea that somehow NATO has no interest in the Pacific and should stay away is a misnomer and is not going to happen," says Council President Ivo Daalder on CNN.

Council President Ivo Daalder on CNN's Newsroom with John Vause.
Defense and Security

100 Years of Issues, Ideas, and Impact

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In the book, "Chicago and the World - 100 Years of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs," Richard Longworth tells the dual history of a century of the Council and of the foreign policy battles and debates as they paraded across the Council’s stage.

Biden Defends Decision to End US Involvement in Afghanistan

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Elizabeth Shackelford joins WGN 9 to explain why it's the right time for the United States to leave Afghanistan after 20 years of conflict.

Elizabeth Shackelford WGN US Foreign Policy

Ivo Daalder on NATO 2030

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Council President Ivo Daalder examines NATO's future in testimony for the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe.

Nato family photo
NATO 2030
US Foreign Policy