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The Global Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II

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Author and journalist Krithika Varagur examines younger generations' understanding of the British monarchy.

Screenshot of Krithika Varagur Global Politics

Shinzo Abe and Japan's Role in the World

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Cécile Shea joined the BBC to discuss the assassination of Shinzo Abe and how important he was to Japan's modern identity.

Cécile Shea speaks on BBC. Global Politics

Russia Prepares for Prolonged Conflict in Ukraine

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In Ukraine, "the government is alive and well, and mounting serious resistance," Council President Ivo Daalder tells NBC News Now's Morgan Radford.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on NBC News Now with Morgan Radford. Defense and Security

President Biden Refuses to Appease Russia

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"What Putin wants is something we can't give him through diplomacy," says Council President Ivo Daalder on CNN with Jake Tapper.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CNN with Jake Tapper and Robin Wright of the Woodrow Wilson Center. US Foreign Policy

Urgency Grows in Ukraine as Biden Sticks to Diplomacy

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What lengths will the US go to in its efforts to deter a Russian invasion? Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford discusses on BBC World News.

US Foreign Policy

Biden and Scholz Prepare for Putin's Next Move

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Will gas flow in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine? Council President Ivo Daalder argues on CNN it is "inconceivable."

Macron Tries Reviving Minsk Agreement

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Emmanuel Macron tries to assuage Russia’s concerns, but no one ever truly implemented the Minks Agreement he’s rousing, explains Ivo Daalder on CBC's Power & Politics.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CBC next to images of Macron and Putin at podiums. Global Politics

Fundamental Realities of NATO and Ukraine

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In the world of realpolitik, are Russia's demands of NATO fair? Council President Ivo Daalder discusses with Ghida Fakhry on Inside America.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking with Ghida Fakhry on Inside America. Global Politics

Putin's Closing Window on Ukraine

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Is the window of opportunity closing for Putin’s aims in Ukraine? Nonresident Senior Fellow Mitchel Wallerstein weighs in on CNN.

Screenshot of Mitchel Wallerstein discussing Russia-Ukraine tensions on CNN. US Foreign Policy

Blinken: Russian Aggression Will Be Met with United Response

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“What Putin wants most of all is to make sure that he can control the destiny of Ukraine,” Council President Ivo Daalder tells CNN’s Larry Madowo.