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Results for:
Dina Smeltz

Coming Together or Coming Apart?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

We examine the attitudes of foreign policy opinion leaders and the public in the Trump Era.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East Has Grown

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A Chicago Council survey completed January 10–12 shows that as tensions with Iran have risen, Americans see an increased need to keep watch over the Middle East by maintaining a troop presence there.

A US soldier in Afghanistan.
Public Opinion

OK, Boomer: Youth Hesitant to Use Force, Shun US Exceptionalism in Foreign Policy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

2019 Chicago Council Survey data provide insight into how Millennials view key foreign policy issues compared with previous generations. 

US Capitol Building at night Public Opinion

Americans Feel Less Safe after Killing of Soleimani

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Results of a Chicago Council Survey find that more Americans think the January 3 drone strike that killed Iranian Quds Force Commander Quasem Soleimani has made the United States less safe.

Blackhawk helicopter taking off from an operating base.
Public Opinion

Majority of Americans Oppose Expanding US-Mexico Border Wall

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A survey shows more Americans now oppose expanding the US-Mexico border wall since last asked in 2016.

US-Mexico border crossing.
Simon Foot
Public Opinion

Cooperation and Hedging: Comparing US and South Korean Views of China

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Chicago Council and Asan Institute surveys conducted in 2019 find that both South Koreans and Americans see a strengthened US-ROK alliance as an asset in dealing with China, suggesting that Washington and Seoul can afford to strengthen coordination between their policies toward China.​

National flags outside of the United Nations. Public Opinion

Do Liberal and Moderate Democrats Divide on US Foreign Policy?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This public opinion survey indicates that there are key differences between moderate and liberal democrats.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

Record Number of Americans Say International Trade Is Good for the US Economy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This survey finds that though Republicans and Democrats differ on whether President Trump’s strategy is an effective approach to trade policy, the American public is more likely than ever to say that international trade benefits the US.

Flags outside of NATO Headquarters
Public Opinion

Americans Say a Nuclear Iran Is Unacceptable, Divide on Using Force

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This survey finds most Americans still consider Iran’s nuclear program a critical threat, but at lower levels before 2015 nuclear deal.

Flag of Iran.
David Sandoz
Public Opinion

Majority of Americans Say Climate Change a Critical Threat, For First Time

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

A survey of the US public shows an overall majority of Americans (54%) consider climate change a critical threat.

View of clouds on Earth from space.
Climate and the Environment