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Troop Withdrawal Likely to Undermine South Korean Public Support for Alliance with United States

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

New polling reveals that little has changed in terms of South Korean attitudes towards the US-South Korea military alliance.

Sailors wave to children while marching in the annual Jinhae Gunhangje military port festival parade in South Korea, April 5, 2019.
US Navy
Public Opinion

Conflict-Related Sexual Assault—Historic Barriers to International Recognition

Working Paper by Nicole Mattea

This working paper further explains the recent emergence of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) into international discourse and preventative strategies.

A woman in a stands outside the Women's Centre in Balukhali camp March 6, 2018.
UN Women/Allison Joyce
Women and Girls

Bridging the Research Gap: A Toolkit on Inclusive Research and Development Practices

Working Paper by Katelyn Jones

This toolkit presents a list of steps that ensure the entire research and development process uses equity, diversity, and inclusion as guiding principles at every stage.

A woman in all black stands next to servers, behind glass, holding a laptop computer Global Politics

Majority of Iranians Oppose Development of Nuclear Weapons

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Nationwide surveys conducted by IranPoll show that although Iranians say their country should not develop nuclear weapons, they have lost confidence in the nuclear agreement.

Flag of Iran
David Sandoz
Defense and Security

Vroom or Bust? Towards a Chicago E-Scooter Strategy in 2020 and Beyond

Working Paper by Samuel Kling

A review of national and international e-scooter and micromobility trends outlines Chicago's 2019 pilot program and makes policy recommendations to improve sustainability, mobility, and equitable access.

Man riding an e-scooter.
Erin Riddle
Global Cities

Coming Together or Coming Apart?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

We examine the attitudes of foreign policy opinion leaders and the public in the Trump Era.

Shadows cast from a crowd of people in front of an American flag.
Public Opinion

With Tensions Receding, Americans Lose Fear of North Korea

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

The American public is now less concerned about the threat posed by North Korea.

North Korean soldiers look to the South through binoculars while on patrol.
Public Opinion

American Public Support for US Troops in Middle East Has Grown

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A Chicago Council survey completed January 10–12 shows that as tensions with Iran have risen, Americans see an increased need to keep watch over the Middle East by maintaining a troop presence there.

A US soldier in Afghanistan.
Public Opinion

OK, Boomer: Youth Hesitant to Use Force, Shun US Exceptionalism in Foreign Policy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

2019 Chicago Council Survey data provide insight into how Millennials view key foreign policy issues compared with previous generations. 

US Capitol Building at night Public Opinion

Considering a Soil Initiative for Africa

Policy Brief by David Nielson

This paper diagnoses the challenges faced by governments, international organizations, and research institutions in mitigating and reversing the decline of soil quality in Africa.

Workers unload a truck of harvested cassava roots. Food and Agriculture