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Public Opinion

Americans Support Help to Ukraine, Even out of Own Pockets

Running Numbers by Coauthors

New surveys find that Americans are willing to pay more for fuel in order to support Ukraine.

Stand With Ukraine Rally Held In Metro Detroit
NurPhoto via Reuters
Public Opinion

If Invaded, Will the Taiwan Public Fight? Don't Look to Polls for an Answer

Running Numbers by Paul Huang

Public surveys about Taiwan's willingness to fight an invasion by China don't reveal as much as one might think.

Army reservist troop takes part in shooting training at a camp base in Nanshipu
Public Opinion

What Nixon's 1972 China Trip Says About US-China Relations Today

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Fifty years ago, US President Richard Nixon traveled to China and established the basis for a normalization of relations between the two powers. Are we due for another transformation?

Public Opinion

Public Opinion on Civilian Casualties in the War on Terror

Running Numbers by Kyle Lynaugh

Data suggest that Americans accept some foreign civilian casualties as a necessary cost to counterterrorism, but Republicans and Democrats differ on willingness to use lethal force.

Public Opinion

Challenges with Russia for South Korea's Next President

In the News
Karl Friedhoff

"When you look at South Korea’s imports from Russia, roughly 60% of those imports are either crude petroleum or refined petroleum,” says Karl Friedhoff on CNBC.

Karl Friedhoff on CNBC Squawk Box Asia. Public Opinion

Europeans Support Ukraine—To a Point

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Europeans may draw the line at military engagement with Russia, recent data show.

Protests in London on March 6, 2022 against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Public Opinion

Russians and Ukrainians Prefer to Remain Independent States

Running Numbers by Coauthors

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, new public opinion data shows that the conflict likely came as a surprise to many on both sides.

A man prepares barriers made of sandbags as members of the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces guard in central Kyiv
Public Opinion

Guns vs. Butter: Gender Differences on National Budget

Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

Chicago Council data support academic findings on differing national budget preferences between women and men.

Crowd of legislators separated by gender.
Public Opinion

Japanese Public Backs Sanctions on Russia, Aid to Ukraine

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

In a shift from just a month ago, the Japanese public favors tough sanctions on Russia in concert with the US and Europe. 

Japanese people protest Russian invasion at night near a skyscraper.
Public Opinion

Americans Prefer Sanctions Over Sending Troops to Ukraine

Running Numbers by Coauthors

New data reveals that the US public would prefer to respond with to Russia's invasion of Ukraine with sanctions and diplomacy.

Demonstrators gather in front of the White House on January 29, 2022 to protest against Russian military aggression towards Ukraine and to ask the Biden administration for tougher sanctions and military aid to Ukraine
Public Opinion