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World Review: China's Roadmap, Afghanistan Options, Indo-Pacific Quad

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Karen DeYoung, Steven Erlanger, and Bobby Ghosh join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

2021 National People's Congress
Global Politics

Women's Work, African Swine Fever Ripples, & Urban Growing

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

Catch the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development in our Global Food for Thought news brief.

A woman holds greens.
Feed the Future
Food and Agriculture

Talking Back to Hunger

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

Roger Thurow shares a poem evoking the human face of domestic hunger — an issue that is too often forgotten in policy discussions.

a hungry child visits an outdoor food pantry during COVID-19 Food and Agriculture

Brazil's President Is A Global Health Threat

In the News
Robert Muggah

Robert Muggah discusses Brazil's health crisis under the leadership of their president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Brazil's president Bolsonaro speaks to a crowd
Global Health

Amb. Scheffer: China Perpetuates "the Big Lie" on Uyghurs

In the News
CNN Amanpour
David Scheffer

David Scheffer and Uyghur activist Jewher Ilham talk to Christiane Amanpour following a report accusing China of "genocide."

Left to right: David Scheffer, Christiane Amanopour, and Jewher Ilham on CNN. Human Rights

The Gendered Impacts of Integrated Pest Management in Ethiopia and Beyond

Global Food for Thought by Coauthors

Integrated pest management benefits the environment, farmers' productivity, and time-strapped women around the world.

A woman harvests desmodium.
Desalegne Tadesse
Food and Agriculture

COVID-19 Threatens Global Progress on Gender Equality 

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Jamille Bigio joins Brian Hanson to explain why gender equality is critical to economic prosperity and global security.

two women prepare food in mexico wearing masks
Inclusion and Equity

World Review: Blinken's First Big Speech, Saudi Arabia, Iran

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Kim Ghattas, Matt Kaminski, and Stefan Kornelius join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Anthony Blinken at a podium giving a speech
US Foreign Policy

Avocados, 100 Days of Protest, and Pineapple Politics

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

Catch the week's top news and research in food, agriculture, and global development in our Global Food for Thought news brief.

India Farmer's Protests
Food and Agriculture

After a Year of Pandemic, Global Public Opinion  Shows  Increasing Desire for Vaccine

Running Numbers by Coauthors

It has now been a year since many nations began to implement restrictions due to the pandemic. As the global health crisis drags into its second year, more people seek the vaccine as a way to return to normal.

A mural on a brick wall of a person wearing medical gear Global Health