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Despite Differences, Young Americans and Young Russians Share Similar Anxieties

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The Levada Analytical Center’s Stepan Goncharov joins Council Research Assistant Lama El Baz to explore recent survey findings.
Stepan Goncharov and Lama El Baz video chat Play Video

On-and-off rivals on the world stage, the United States and Russia are often painted as political and cultural opposites. Could that change with the next generation?

Recent Council-Levada Analytical Center survey data offers a closer look at how young Americans and young Russians see the world.

About the Speakers
Research Assistant, Public Opinion and US Foreign Policy
Headshot for Lama El Baz
Lama El Baz joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2023 as a research assistant for the public opinion and US foreign policy team within the Lester Crown Center. She is passionate about public opinion research, data analytics, and the regional affairs of the Middle East and North Africa.
Headshot for Lama El Baz
Stepan Goncharov
Sociologist, Levada Analytical Center
Stepan Goncharov
Stepan Goncharov is a senior research fellow at the Levada Center. Goncharov’s field of expertise and research interests include public opinion on international relations, use of media, and modern social processes in Russia. He is a regular contributor for (Riddle), an online-journal on Russian affairs. Gonhcarov holds a Specialist degree in Political Science from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and has broad experience in qualitative studies.
Stepan Goncharov
About the Producer
Liza Slutskaya
Former Video Producer
Headshot for Liza Slutskaya
Liza Slutskaya joined the Council in 2023 as a video producer. She's a seasoned documentary filmmaker with a background in impact-oriented media and ethnographic research.
Headshot for Liza Slutskaya

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