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Agricultural Innovation Can Feed the Planet, But It Needs Policy Support

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

As technology expands what is possible in our food system, inefficiencies can arise and make it difficult for policy to change as rapidly as our technology does.

Research technicians working in a  plant breeding centre in Canada
Food and Agriculture

From Chicago to Uganda, Clean Water is Key to Good Nutrition

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

Unclean water, poor sanitation, and lousy hygiene—and resulting diseases—combine with poor nutrition as the leading causes of young child mortality and stunting. 

Women in Niger water a vegetable garden. Climate and the Environment

The Livestock Ladder’s Water Footprint

Global Food for Thought by Marcus Glassman

In this post from our "Uncharted Waters" blog series, we discuss that while the water footprint of livestock is substantive, the cost of that footprint is far from straightforward.

Cows in a open field at a dairy farm in California.
Michael Pujals
Food and Agriculture

Are the Sustainable Development Goals for Water and Food Working Against One Another?

Global Food for Thought by Michael Tiboris

Food, energy, and water form a nexus in which increased access to one resource puts increased pressures on the others.

An irrigation system spillway in Cambodia
Dept. Foreign Affairs
Climate and the Environment

Farmer-Led Irrigation for Agricultural Intensification

Global Food for Thought by Michael Tiboris

Michael Tiboris discusses the challenges of feeding and nourishing a rapidly growing global population in the face of water scarcity.

An irrigation system at a farm in Texas
Joel Dunn
Food and Agriculture

Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in the Face of Water Scarcity

Global Food for Thought by Vanessa M. Taylor

Failure to treat water as a strategic, valuable, and limited resource is a direct threat to the global economy; the health of our planet; and the well-being of both current and future generations of humanity.

A farmer takes a break while tending his rice farm.
Wayne S. Grazio
Food and Agriculture

A Huge Amount of Food is Wasted—And With It, Water, Energy, and Nutrition

Global Food for Thought by Michael Tiboris

About 70 percent of the water humans use globally is consumed by agriculture, and a full third of the greenhouse gas emissions we produce come from food production. 

Produce section at an American grocery store.
MN Pollution Control Agency/Flickr
Food and Agriculture

The Last Hunger Season

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

In the book The Last Hunger Season, the intimate dramas of farmers' lives unfold amidst growing awareness that to feed the world's growing population, food production must double by 2050.

Aerial view of a farm in South Africa, with a gray sky and mountains in the background.
Ashim D'Silva
Food and Agriculture

Threats to Supply Chains in the Developing World

Global Food for Thought by Michael Tiboris

Threats like water scarcity, urbanization, and climate change require governments to be flexible, and to build flexibility into their institutions.

A tap at a water access point
UN Photo
Climate and the Environment

Starting Early

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

An essay about food insecurity and child hunger by the Council's Roger Thurow.

An Indian woman and her children carry water in containers.
Gyan Shanae
Food and Agriculture