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Investing in Innovation: Food, Agriculture and Forestry in Southeast Asia

Global Food for Thought by Erin Sweeney

Erin Sweeney provides guest commentary on food, agriculture, and forestry in Southeast Asia.

Large rain forest in Indonesia
Tommy Krombacher
Food and Agriculture

Adopting Conserving Agricultural Practices: A Farmer's Perspective

Global Food for Thought by Coauthors

Farmers’ decisions to change the way they have farmed for years and start using new conserving agricultural practices such as conservation tillage, cover cropping, or buffer strips will depend in large part on how much it will cost.

Field worker in a vegetable field.
Food and Agriculture

Boosting Nutrition and Sustainability through Superfoods in Local Food Systems 

Global Food for Thought by Juan Lucas Restrepo

Our Field Notes series explores how food systems innovation and agricultural research and development can empower farmers and feed the world.

A close-up view of quinoa, a superfood
Pierre Bamin
Food and Agriculture

Biocontrol of the Fall Armyworm: Long-term Resilience for Small-scale Farmers

Global Food for Thought by Sara Hendery

The fall armyworm is destroying crops throughout Asia and Africa, intensifying the many burdens small-scale farmers are met with every day.

Landscape in Akaki Kality, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Food and Agriculture

I am Gita

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

We all share in the cost of lower education, reduced labor productivity, and escalating health care costs.

Children in Tanzania stand below a line showing the median height for 9-year-olds globally
Gates Foundation
Food and Agriculture

Known Origins - What Traceability is and Why it Matters for Your Plate

Global Food for Thought by Mark Kaplan

Traceability—the ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, location and application of products, parts and materials—ensures the reliability of sustainability claims in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

A farmer attends a rice field in Indonesia
Simon Fangers
Food and Agriculture

The Kinship of Farmers: We're All in This Together

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

In this series, Agri-Pulse and the Council have partnered to explore how the US agriculture and food sector can advance food security.

Two tractors harvesting a field
Johny Goerend
Food and Agriculture

Institutional Change and an Intersectional Approach to Supporting Women in Science

Global Food for Thought by Katelyn Jones

Ensuring women's access to information, training, and technology can ensure land and resources alike are used more sustainably.

A female farmer plants transplants at a farm in Pennsylvania
Zoe Schaeffer
Women and Girls

Expressing Appreciation and Announcing a Transition

Global Food for Thought by Alesha Miller

After nearly four years at the Council, Alesha Miller, Center on Global Food and Agriculture managing director, steps down.

The conference center at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Food and Agriculture

Hungry for Equality: Examining the Gender Gap in Food Security

Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

Women and girls make up 60 percent of the world's chronically hungry population and are 10 percent more likely than men to experience food insecurity.

A woman and her daughter arrange branches of khat into small bundles in Somalia.
Food and Agriculture