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451 - 500 of 1,311 search results for 2021 Chicago Council Survey where 300 match all words and 1,011 match some words.
  1. Results that match 3 of 4 words

  2. Welcome Back YP Reception | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Welcome Back YP Reception | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Reception
    Members of the Council's Young Professionals Network are invited to a special "Welcome Back" reception ahead of the YP program season, at the East Bank Club in Chicago.
  3. 2007 Chicago Council Survey: World Public Opinion | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    2007 Chicago Council Survey: World Public Opinion | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by John E. Rielly

    The 2007 Chicago Council Survey broke new ground in international public opinion research to discover commonalities in public opinion around the world.

  4. Washington Monument at sunrise
    Ji Pak
    Global Health

    Deep Dish Podcast Explains What to Watch for in 2021 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Brian Hanson

    Many of the challenges the world faced in 2020 will continue to shape our world next year.

  5. The Remaking of a Global United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Remaking of a Global United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    A live taping of our global affairs podcast, Deep Dish, where Ivo Daalder and Kori Schake reacted to results of the 2020 election.
  6. Québec's Role in the Global EV Revolution | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Québec's Role in the Global EV Revolution | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT VIDEO Roundtable
    Cleantech sector expert and Vice President of Ressources Québec at Investissement Québec Jean-François Béland discusses the rapidly evolving world of electric vehicles and their impact on the global economy, climate, and the future of
  7. Making Hunger a Priority in America | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Reuters/Gabriela Bhaskar

    Making Hunger a Priority in America | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Council's Ertharin Cousin leads a conversation with IL Senator Dick Durbin, Produce Alliance’s Melissa Melshenker Ackerman, and other experts about the USDA’s efforts to address food security challenges.
  8. Continuity of Government in Times of Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Continuity of Government in Times of Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    A panel of experts examine how the United States can ensure critical government functions continue amid a catastrophe.
  9. Internship Program | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Council offers undergraduate juniors and seniors, and graduate students the opportunity to learn about our organization and participate in a variety of duties associated with ongoing projects through our internship program.
  10. How the World Views US Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Reuters / Carlos Barria

    How the World Views US Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Foreign correspondents explain the global reaction to insurrection at the US capitol, impeachment, and a new administration.
  11. Summit For Democracy - What's Next? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Summit For Democracy - What's Next? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Panel
    As President Biden convened the Summit for Democracy, a panel of experts considered the challenges facing political freedom around the world—and how democracies can fight back.
  12. Central America and the Caribbean | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Analysis and research on politics, economy, and current events of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica.
  13. Richard C. Eichenberg | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Nonresident Senior Fellow, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
  14. Africa's Free Trade Economy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Africa's Free Trade Economy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Roundtable
    A private dialogue with Africa’s first Secretary-General of the AfCFTA, H.E. Wamkele Mene, on the landmark trade agreement and its global impact.
  15. Middle East and North Africa | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Analysis of politics in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
  16. Adapting Cities for a Changing Climate | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Adapting Cities for a Changing Climate | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    A panel of experts explores how technology can help cities create a more equitable and resilient future.
  17. Debate the Future of Data as Currency | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Debate the Future of Data as Currency | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Debate
    YP members participate in a live debate on the future of personal data as currency. Attendees will work together to create a persuasive argument for their assigned position.
  18. A Toast to the Emerging Leaders Program | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    A Toast to the Emerging Leaders Program | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Mixer
    Emerging Leaders and EL alumni are invited to join the EL Alumni Recruitment Committee for a virtual wine tasting and networking event.
  19. The End of the Cold War and the World It Created | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The End of the Cold War and the World It Created | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Anne Applebaum, Jim Baker, Susan Glasser, Fareed Zakaria, Robert Zoellick, and the Council’s Ivo Daalder reflect on the decisions American policymakers made at the end of the Cold War as they guided the country through a period of risk and
  20. Killer Pathogens: The New Threat of Bioweapons? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Killer Pathogens: The New Threat of Bioweapons? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Biological warfare has long been an unlikely, but serious, national security concern—but has COVID-19 revealed our vulnerability to biological pathogens, bioweapons, and bioterrorism?
  21. Race, Ethnicity, and America's Global Role | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Are America’s BIPOC communities on the same page when it comes to foreign policy? Our latest survey project sheds some light.
  22. Inclusive Economies in an Age of Recession | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Inclusive Economies in an Age of Recession | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Experts consider whether overlapping global crises, inflation, and slowing growth will bolster or derail efforts to build more inclusive economies.
  23. US-Korea Binational Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Joint surveys on Korean and American attitudes conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and international partners.
  24. cow and farmer
    Food and Agriculture

    Climate Famine, Seeds, and a Land Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Food for Thought by Julia Whiting

    Check out our round up of the week's top stories in food, agriculture, and global development!

  25. Chicago and the World - 100 Years of the Council | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Chicago and the World - 100 Years of the Council | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Richard Longworth  shares stories on the Council’s century of global influence from his book on its history in conversation with Carol Marin.
  26. The Curious Resilience of Modern Monarchies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Curious Resilience of Modern Monarchies | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    In an age of rapid social and political change, modern monarchies are proving remarkably strong and adaptable. A panel of experts discusses the power and purpose of modern monarchies across the world.
  27. US-Mexico Binational Survey | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Joint surveys on Mexican and American attitudes conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and international partners.
  28. Future-Proofing Our Energy System | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Future-Proofing Our Energy System | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    In the face of extreme weather and cyber threats, how do we build resilience, sustainability, and equity into future energy systems?
  29. Reclaiming the Right to the City | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Franck Michel
    Global Cities

    Reclaiming the Right to the City | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by Ian Klaus,Samuel Kling

    In this report edited by Ian Klaus and Samuel Kling, a diverse set of experts examine the question of rights in, and to, the city in a wide and exciting array of geographies and contexts.

  30. Foreign Policy Matters: Climate and COP28 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    As world leaders gather for COP28, we’re taking a closer look at American views on climate change.
  31. The Future of the US-UK ‘Special Relationship’ | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Pippa Fowles

    The Future of the US-UK ‘Special Relationship’ | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Seventy-five years after Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech, a panel of experts discusses the features and challenges that define the UK-US relationship.
  32. The Future of the US Dollar and a World in Debt | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Madison Kaminski

    The Future of the US Dollar and a World in Debt | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Jeffrey Garten joins Thomas Friedman to link lessons from the 1971 decoupling of the gold standard to today’s challenges for a public conversation, followed by a private Q&A with Council President’s Club and leadership members.
  33. Britain Alone, the Path from Suez to Brexit | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Britain Alone, the Path from Suez to Brexit | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Roundtable
    Members of the Council are invited to interact with award-winning journalist Philip Stephens on his new book, Britain Alone, analyzing a nation’s struggle to reconcile its waning power with past glory.
  34. China and the Digital Yuan: What's at Stake? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    China and the Digital Yuan: What's at Stake? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    A panel of experts discusses the digital yuan’s economic and security implications for China and the ripple effects it may have across the global economy.
  35. YP Nexus: Crypto and the Future of Currency | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    YP Nexus: Crypto and the Future of Currency | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Crypto journalist Laura Shin joins fintech attorney Nelson Rosario to outline the history, current market capitalization, global economic impact, and future of cryptocurrency.
  36. Wait Just a Minute | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Video series featuring interviews and expert responses to political questions regarding global affairs, international politics, and current events.
  37. CEO Roundtable: The Post-COVID Workplace | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    CEO Roundtable: The Post-COVID Workplace | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Dinner
    CEOs from the Council’s board of directors, donor network, and corporate partner companies are invited to join an exclusive, off-the-record conversation to network with peers and discuss the post-COVID workplace.
  38. Jordan fears Israel-Hamas war could reach its borders

    Jordan fears Israel-Hamas war could reach its borders

    Jordan is seen as a stable country in the Middle East. There are concerns the Israel-Hamas war could change that.
  39. Foreign Policy Matters: The Quad's Next Chapter | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Competition with China will be at the forefront of the Quad's third phase. Here's what that could look like.
  40. The Race to Destroy Syria's Deadliest Weapons | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Race to Destroy Syria's Deadliest Weapons | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Joby Warrick describes the chaotic consequences of America's largely unknown efforts to find and destroy Syria's vast chemical weapons stockpile.
  41. Inside the Bin Laden Raid, Ten Years Later | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Pete Souza

    Inside the Bin Laden Raid, Ten Years Later | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Ten years after the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Usama Bin Laden, those present in the situation room discuss their experiences from inside Operation Neptune Spear.
  42. Forging a New Path for US-Brazil Relations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Forging a New Path for US-Brazil Relations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Brazil’s ambassador to the United States joins the Council for a conversation on the state of the bilateral relationship.
  43. 2 Years In: The Russia-Ukraine War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Politics

    2 Years In: The Russia-Ukraine War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ivo H. Daalder

    Anton La Guardia, Catherine Philp, and Yaroslav Trofimov join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

  44. Transforming Industrial Regions Symposium | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Peter Heinsius

    Transforming Industrial Regions Symposium | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Conference
    Through original research and convenings, the Chicago Council partnered with organizations across the transatlantic space to discuss revitalizing industrial regions in North America and Europe.
  45. What Young Americans Think about Nuclear Weapons | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    What Young Americans Think about Nuclear Weapons | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Experts discuss the Council’s latest polling on nuclear issues and what more can be done to engage the next generation.
  46. We Will Chicago: Economic Development | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Josh Hild

    We Will Chicago: Economic Development | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    PAST EVENT Town Hall
    The final public engagement event in the We Will Chicago series gathers local and international leaders to discuss models of equitable economic development.
  47. Poll: Mexican Views of the U.S. Rebound from All-Time Low | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    In a dramatic reversal, 56 percent of Mexicans have a favorable view of the United States, compared to a record low of 30 percent in 2017.
  48. Rebuilding the Midwest's Infrastructure | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Cities

    Rebuilding the Midwest's Infrastructure | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Report by John Austin,Alexander Hitch

    John Austin and Alexander Hitch examine policies and priorities to drive equitable economic recovery in the Midwest in a world reshaped by COVID-19.

  49. Russia, China, and the Battle for Global Dominance | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Russia, China, and the Battle for Global Dominance | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Catherine Ashton, Robert Kagan, Kishore Mahbubani, and Ivo Daalder discuss the new geopolitical order emerging from Russia and China’s efforts to counter US power.