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The Emerging Geopolitics of Infrastructure Competition

Working Paper by Simon Curtis

The success of ambitious states will be determined by their ability to shape global infrastructures and the cities they connect around the world.

Belt and Road High Speed Rail
AP Photos
Global Cities

Less is More: A New Strategy for US Security Assistance to Africa

Report by Coauthors

The US strategy toward Africa today is neither effective nor sustainable. It’s time to flip the script.

US troops participate in a military exercise with African allies
US Foreign Policy

Ethiopia: Propping up One Strongman after Another

Policy Brief by Emma Sanderson

America’s unconditional security sector assistance has helped facilitate Ethiopia’s violent responses to opposition.

Ethiopian government soldiers ride in the back of a truck on a road in the Tigray region
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Burkina Faso: If It's Not Broke, Don't Break It

Policy Brief by Elizabeth Shackelford

A military strengthened by American training, weapons, and intelligence helped create the very problem US assistance was meant to prevent.

 Supporters of Capt. Ibrahim Traore parade wave a Russian flag in the streets of Ouagadougou
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Cameroon: Which War Are We Fighting?

Policy Brief by Ethan Kessler

US security assistance meant for counterterrorism efforts is also implicated in the government’s war against Anglophone separatists.

Cameroon soldiers stand guard at a lookout post as they take part in operations against the Islamic extremists group Boko Haram
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Infrastructure: The EU's Global Gateway Put to the Test

Working Paper by Alessandro Gili

Through infrastructure investments, economic integration, and green and digital transitions, the EU's Global Gateway will shape Africa and its cities as new hubs for development.

African construction site
Global Cities

The Role of China in Rescaling Service Delivery in Urban Africa

Working Paper by Coauthors

The energy transition in African cities marks a key site of geopolitical competition, as China's control of the solar market reshapes urban service delivery.

Solar panels in Africa
Global Cities

Cities as Geopolitical Testbeds of Digital Infrastructure

Working Paper by Andrea Pollio

African cities have emerged as proxy arenas where different modes of international relations are given effect through the development of infrastructure.

Nairobi Phone Stall
Global Cities

The Case for Inclusive Agricultural Development

Policy Brief by Coauthors

Amid shifts towards inclusive agricultural development, the Center for Global Food and Agriculture offers policy recommendations for further US government action.

Gorreti Ndagire (center) counts money during a Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) group meeting in Katoosi village, Ddwaniro subcounty, Rakai district, Uganda.
Catholic Relief Services/Will Baxter
Food and Agriculture

City Diplomacy During COVID-19: The 2022 Cities and International Engagement Survey

Report by Michele Acuto

This report presents findings from a survey of city governments that identifies major issues for international engagement, including the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

Global Cities