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North America

Rebuilding the Midwest's Infrastructure

Report by Coauthors

John Austin and Alexander Hitch examine policies and priorities to drive equitable economic recovery in the Midwest in a world reshaped by COVID-19.

Midwestern bridge Global Cities

Republicans, Democrats Split on Increasing US Defense Budget

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

Overall, Americans prefer to maintain defense spending. But Democrats, younger people, and those with a college education prefer cuts, while Republicans prefer expansion.

soldiers from the US army complete drills
US Army
Public Opinion

Republicans, Democrats Divided over Federal Spending Priorities

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

While Americans support federal spending on education, healthcare, and Social Security, there partisan divides on other key issues.

A large pile of US dollars
Sharon McCutcheon
Public Opinion

Green COVID-19 Recovery and Transatlantic Leadership: What Are the Prospects?

Report by Paul Hofhuis

A Democratic victory provides greater opportunity for transatlantic collaboration, but underlying structures for cooperation among societal stakeholders in the United States need to be reinvigorated.

U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry Remarks on COP21 and Action Beyond Paris
Global Health

Republican Views on Racial Inequality Starkly Contrast Those of Democrats

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

A large majority of Democrats (73%) consider racial inequality in the United States a critical threat to the country, while Republicans consider it a relatively low-level threat.

Protest signs outside of the White House
Public Opinion

Do Republicans and Democrats Want a Cold War with China?

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Dina Smeltz and Craig Kafura analyze survey data showing that for the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans describe the development of China as a world power as a critical threat to the United States.

Chinese flag, Beijing, China. Public Opinion

US Experts Consider China a Shifting and India a Stable Friend to Russia

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Arik Burakovsky, Dina Smeltz, and Brendan Helm analyze a survey of American experts on Russia about opinions on the country's relations with China and India.

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping shaking hands on July 26, 2018.
The Kremlin
Defense and Security

2020 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Dina Smeltz, Ivo H. Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, and Brendan Helm analyze data finding Democrats and Republicans are divided in their views on top threats to United States and how the country should address global challenges and engage internationally. 

An image of the White House seen at night. Public Opinion

2019 Public Attitudes on US Intelligence

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A 2019 survey confirmed broad support of US intelligence agencies, despite limited transparency and persistent criticism from President Donald Trump.

The entrance to the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) of the George Bush Center for Intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency
Defense and Security

Troop Withdrawal Likely to Undermine South Korean Public Support for Alliance with United States

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

New polling reveals that little has changed in terms of South Korean attitudes towards the US-South Korea military alliance.

Sailors wave to children while marching in the annual Jinhae Gunhangje military port festival parade in South Korea, April 5, 2019.
US Navy
Public Opinion