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Middle East and North Africa

Americans Say a Nuclear Iran Is Unacceptable, Divide on Using Force

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This survey finds most Americans still consider Iran’s nuclear program a critical threat, but at lower levels before 2015 nuclear deal.

Flag of Iran.
David Sandoz
Public Opinion

Americans Consider US Arms Sales a Hazard to US Security

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Recent survey data shows that most Americans generally oppose selling weapons, but are divided on their opinion of the US' relationship with Riyadh.

Three soldiers in camouflage holding weapons
US Army
Public Opinion

​​Addressing China's Rising Influence in Africa

Policy Brief by Michael Tiboris

China’s growing contributions to African development should not automatically be feared, but their increased presence should create a recalibration in US approaches to development.

Chinese flag, Beijing, China. Climate and the Environment

US Public Divides along Party Lines on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

In regard to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Republicans (59%) say the US should take Israel’s side, while majorities of Democrats (75%) and Independents (68%) say the US should not take either side.

View of the Western Wall, Jerusalem.
Toa Heftiba
Public Opinion

American Support for US Strikes against Syria Split along Partisan Lines

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A majority of Americans support the joint airstrike conducted by the US, UK, and France against Syria and would favor additional strikes if Syria uses chemical weapons again.

American soldiers at US army base, standing in front of a sunset.
Public Opinion

Youth for Growth: Transforming Economies through Agriculture

Report by Felix Kwame Yeboah

The US and global community must promote youth-inclusive agricultural transformation, or they risk seeing strategic partners weakened by rapid population growth and threatened by the instability this generates.

A young woman from the Erbore tribe in Ethiopia carries grasses.
Food and Agriculture

Americans and Russians Agree on Priorities for Syria, Differ on Urgency of North Korea

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The Council and Levada Center in Moscow, Russia coordinated surveys to compare US and Russia public opinion about foreign policy issues.

American and Russian flags
Eurasian Women’s Forum
Public Opinion

Americans Support Continued US Participation in Iran Deal

Report by Coauthors

Chicago Council Surveys conducted over the last several years (2014-2017) show remarkable stability of American opinion towards the Iran nuclear deal, both before and after the agreement was officially signed.

U.S. President Trump addresses the 72nd United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York
Public Opinion

Americans Support Limited Military Action in Syria against ISIS

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Survey data shows that while Americans favor military action against violent extremist groups, they are less supportive of US involvement in Syria.

A street market in Syria with pedestrians and a hazy sunset
Marc Veraart
Public Opinion

Health of Refugees: Port of Arrival Versus Permanent Camps

Report by Aisha Sethi

The report examines two important locales experienced by refugees: permanent camp settings, such as in Za’atari, Jordan, and transitory arrival centers, such as in Lampedusa, Italy.

Tents in a refugee camp in Za'atari, Jordan