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US Foreign Policy

Chicago and the World: 100 Years of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Book by Richard C. Longworth

A dual history, of a century of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and of the foreign policy battles and debates as they paraded across the Council's stage.

Hardcover book of Chicago and the World US Foreign Policy

For First Time, Half of Americans Favor Defending Taiwan If China Invades

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

2021 Chicago Council Survey data show a majority of Americans support a range of US policies towards Taiwan: recognition as an independent country, inclusion in international organizations, and a US-Taiwan free trade agreement.

Taiwan ship and flag
Public Opinion

Americans Split on Military Aid to Israel, Say Political Status Quo Unacceptable

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Ahead of Prime Minister Bennett's first visit to Washington, Council data show partisan divides on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, support for a Palestinian state, and more.

Israel Prime Minister Bennett
Public Opinion

Americans, Japanese, and South Koreans Wary of China's Intentions

Report by Coauthors

American, Japanese, and South Korean publics see China as a more of a threat than a partner. Trilateral cooperation will be key to managing China's rise.

Sung Kim, Noh Kyu-duk, and Takehiro Funakoshi standing in front of flags on flag poles
Public Opinion

Treaty Allies Matter for US Foreign Policy Experts—but They Are Not Indispensable

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The Council's polling experts examine how American foreign policy experts think of the term "allies," and whether variations in thinking matter for US foreign policy decisions.

NATO Allies Brussels
Public Opinion

US, Japan, and South Korea Coordination Key to Competing in Southeast Asia

Report by Coauthors

In picking fronts that offer the paths of least resistance, trilateral cooperation will maximize the presence of all three countries in ASEAN, maintaining balance in the region and making collective progress toward economic and development goals.

Ships from the United States and Jpa
US Navy
Defense and Security

Cooperating, Competing, Confronting: US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation as China Rises

Report by Coauthors

A report from the Task Force on Trilateral Cooperation Amid China’s Rise recommends a new policy mix that leverages each country’s individual strengths and advantages.

ships in the south china sea
US Foreign Policy

Ahead of Biden-Suga Summit, Americans See Japan as the United States' Most Important Partner

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Craig Kafura and Karl Friedhoff analyze findings of a recent poll examining American public opinion on US relations with Japan.

President Joe Biden meets with the leaders of Japan, India, and Australia
The White House
Public Opinion

American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

A March 2021 survey finds Americans see US priorities in Asia to be less about limiting the expansion of China and more about economic growth and strengthening democracy.

A guard outside the People Hall in Beijing.
Public Opinion

Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Reassuring America's Allies

Report by Coauthors

A task force, cochaired by Chuck Hagel, Malcolm Rifkind, and Kevin Rudd with Ivo Daalder, argues that fraying American alliances and a rapidly changing security environment have shaken America’s nuclear security guarantees and threaten the 50-year-old nuclear nonproliferation regime.

Then US Vice President Joe Biden visits Observation Post Ouellette inside the DMZ, the military border separating the two Koreas, in Panmunjom in 2013.
Defense and Security