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Past Events

Putin's Long Game in Ukraine


Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, Georgetown’s Angela Stent, the Council’s Ivo Daalder, and CNN's Bianna Golodryga analyzed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions and potential plans after invading Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin speaking at a podium

Town Hall with Ivo Daalder on Russia-Ukraine Crisis


“Vladimir Putin called this a special military operation. In normal English, it's called war,” Ivo Daalder shared his thoughts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine at a public town hall.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on screen

Commentary & Analysis

Turkish Views of Foreign Actors Diverge from Erdoğan's East-West Balance

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Recent polling shows Turks have become more favorably inclined toward the European Union and NATO, while attitudes toward Russia and China have grown more negative.

People are seen behind a European Union and a Turkish flag
Emrah Gurel / AP
Public Opinion

Instability Spreads to Russia's Southern Border

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

What is behind the recent wave of instability between states on Russia’s southern periphery? Joshua Kucera and Madeleine Reeves discuss.

Defense and Security


The Emerging Geopolitics of Infrastructure Competition

Working Paper by Simon Curtis

The success of ambitious states will be determined by their ability to shape global infrastructures and the cities they connect around the world.

Belt and Road High Speed Rail
AP Photos
Global Cities

Eurasia's Freight Infrastructure vs. Russia's War in Ukraine

Report by Xiangming Chen

Even as the war in Ukraine creates risks, the extensive city-based CEFT network remains resilient from its continued expansion, improved infrastructure, and operational adaptability.

CEFT in Chongqing
Global Cities