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Avoiding World War III: Managing Threats from Russia, China, and AI

Ian Bremmer, Kevin Rudd, Ivo H. Daalder, and Zeenat Rahman discuss how the United States and its allies can respond to threats to global stability.
Ian Bremmer
Kevin Rudd
Ivo H. Daalder
Zeenat Rahman
Event Date

About This Event

We live in times of great uncertainty and instability. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is violating core principles of the global order, while China’s pursuit of dominance in the Indo-Pacific is destabilizing the entire region. Meanwhile, the rapid advance of artificial intelligence is outpacing the ability of states to govern these new technologies. Together, these challenges pose an especially grave threat to world order and global stability. What can the United States and its partners around the world do to address these threats and maintain the rules-based international order? Join the Council for a discussion of how geopolitical and technological forces are reshaping our world and how the US and its allies can navigate these challenges together. 

About the Speakers
President, Eurasia Group & GZERO Media
Photo of Ian Bremmer
Ian Bremmer is the president and founder of Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm, and GZERO Media, which is dedicated to providing engaging coverage of international affairs.
Photo of Ian Bremmer
Australian Ambassador to the US
Photo of Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd was appointed Australia’s Ambassador to the United States in March 2023. Previously, he served as Australia’s twenty-sixth Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010, then as Minister for Foreign Affairs, before a second term as Prime Minister in 2013.
Photo of Kevin Rudd
CEO, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Headshot of Ivo H. Daalder
Ivo H. Daalder served as the US ambassador to NATO from 2009 to 2013. He joined the Council as president in 2013 and took on the new role of CEO in 2023. Previously, he was a senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution and served as director for European affairs on President Bill Clinton’s National Security Council. He is the author or editor of 10 books.
Headshot of Ivo H. Daalder
Executive Director, Institute of Politics
Photo of Zeenat Rahman
Zeenat Rahman is the Executive Director of the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago. Previously, she served at the US State Department as a special advisor to Secretaries Hillary Clinton and John Kerry and as acting director at the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at USAID.
Photo of Zeenat Rahman

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