2019 Pritzker Forum on Global Cities
Learn how cities can develop solutions to pressing global challenges.
About This Event
How can cities develop solutions to pressing global challenges?
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Meet the leaders behind the headlines.
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Learn latest trends and top priorities.
Shape the agenda and dialogue.
Implement what works.
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A panel of international leaders from local and multinational levels discuss how cities' voices are being heard.

A panel of international female leaders discusses how advancing women in cities help make cities more inclusive for all.
About the Speakers
Penny Abeywardena
Former Commissioner for International Affairs, New York City

Penny Abeywardena has held leadership roles in philanthropy, government, and multilateral institutions for more than 20 years. She is a contributing columnist at Forbes on leadership strategies. Her contributions have been recognized and celebrated by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, among others. She was recently appointed to the rank of Knight in France’s National Order of Merit.

Heidi Alexander
Deputy Mayor, Transport; Deputy Chair, Transport for London
In her role, Heidi Alexander focuses on delivering the mayor’s transport strategy: ensuring that London has a reliable, comfortable, and affordable public transport system accessible to all; creating safe, healthy streets where people want to walk and cycle; and ensuring that new homes and new jobs are part of a sustainable, integrated transport system which delivers economic growth across London.
Ebtesam Al-Ketbi
President of the Emirates Policy Center

Dr. Ebtesam Al-Ketbi founded the Emirates Policy Center (EPC) in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates in September 2013. EPC undertakes the task of studying and foreseeing future regional and international geopolitical projects and their impact on the Gulf region. Before she founded EPC, Dr. Al-Ketbi was a professor of political science at the United Arab Emirates University.

Regional Director, POLITICO Europe

Jamil Anderlini is POLITICO Europe’s Editor-in-Chief. An award-winning journalist, editor, and published author, he joined POLITICO Europe from the Financial Times where he worked as Asia Editor, Assistant Editor, and member of the Editorial Board.

John Austin
Former Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Midwest

John Austin served as a nonresident senior fellow of Global Midwest at the Council, with expertise in global cities and North America. He spent 16 years in elected service on the Michigan State Board of Education, serving as president for six years. Currently, he directs the Michigan Economic Center, a center for ideas and network-building to advance Michigan’s economic transformation.

Ras J. Baraka
Mayor, Newark

Ras J. Baraka is the 40th mayor of the City of Newark. His agenda reduced crime to its lowest levels in five decades, addressed affordability while maintaining steady growth, and lowered unemployment. Baraka has partnered with institutions, such as NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), to advance the technological sphere in Newark.

Michael Berkowitz
President, 100 Resilient Cities

Michael Berkowitz joined the Rockefeller Foundation in 2013 to shape and oversee 100 Resilient Cities, a project pioneered by the foundation. Previously, he was the global head of operational risk management at Deutsche Bank, where he oversaw the firm’s operational risk capital planning efforts. He also held operational risk management positions in New York, Mumbai, Singapore, and London.

Luis M. A. Bettencourt
Pritzker Director, Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, University of Chicago

Luis M. A. Bettencourt is also a professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago, and associate faculty and special friend of the department of sociology and external professor at the Santa Fe Institute. He conducts interdisciplinary research on complex adaptive systems and leads efforts in the areas of the science of cities.

Aruni Bhatnagar
Smith and Lucille Gibson Professor of Medicine, The University of Louisville
Aruni Bhatnagar serves as director of the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute, the Diabetes and Obesity Center at the University of Louisville, and the American Heart Association Tobacco Regulation and Addiction Center. He has spent more than 25 years studying the impact of environmental pollutants on heart disease and has spearheaded the new field of environmental cardiology.
Kirk Caldwell
Mayor, Honolulu

Kirk Caldwell was elected mayor of Honolulu in 2012 and was re-elected to a second term in 2016. He has prioritized investing in Honolulu’s core infrastructure, transportation, parks, homelessness, and climate sustainability. Nearly 57% of all city roads were repaved under his administration while the city works to restore and integrate its award-winning bus service with a forthcoming rail project.

Flavia Carbonari
Former Nonresident Fellow, Global Cities

Flavia Carbonari currently works as a consultant with the World Bank, where she works on the design and implementation of operational and research projects on social inclusion, citizen security, gender-based violence and social accountability, and providing technical assistance and capacity building to governments.

Michelle Carr
State Director, Illinois, The Nature Conservancy

At The Nature Conservancy, Michelle Carr leads strategic efforts to advance critical conservation work in Illinois and throughout the region. Through her leadership, the chapter has successfully piloted innovative approaches to water quality improvements through the implementation of wetland restoration sites along the Illinois River, among other actions.

Steve Case
Co-Founder, AOL

Steve Case is one of America’s most accomplished entrepreneurs and philanthropists and a pioneer in making the Internet part of everyday life. Case co-founded AOL in 1985 and under his leadership and vision, AOL became the largest and most valuable Internet company driving the worldwide adoption of a medium that has transformed business and society.

Vishaan Chakrabarti
Founder, Practice for Architecture and Urbanism

In addition to founding PAU, Vishaan Chakrabarti is an associate professor of Practice at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation (GSAPP). His highly acclaimed book, A Country of Cities: A Manifesto for an Urban America (2013), argues that a more urban United States would result in a more prosperous, sustainable, joyous, and socially mobile nation.

J. Thomas Chapin
UL Corporate Fellow; Vice President, Research, UL
J. Thomas Chapin is a UL William Henry Merrill Society Corporate Fellow and past chairman of the UL Fire Council. He currently focuses on emerging technologies, safety trends, forensic analysis, and fire dynamics. Previously, he managed UL corporate research activities related to UL standards, testing and certification, and surveillance services.
Alice Charles
Director for Cities, Planning & Design, Arup

Alice Charles focuses on cross-cutting urban strategies in sustainability, climate change, resilience, and mobility and leads Arup’s global strategic partnerships with international organizations, mayoral networks, and foundations. Previously, she led the World Economic Forum’s cities and real estate portfolios, produced all city and urban development content, and curated summit events.

Cheong Koon Hean
CEO, Housing and Development Authority of Singapore
As CEO of HDB, Cheong Koon Hean oversees the development and management of one million public housing flats in 26 towns and estates. She was also the CEO of the Urban Redevelopment Authority from 2004 to 2010. Currently, she's on the boards of the HDB, the National University of Singapore, and is a council member and former deputy president of the International Federation for Housing and Planning.
Salomón Chertorivski Woldenberg
Former Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Cities

Salomón Chertorivski Woldenberg was Secretary of Economic Development of Mexico City from 2012 to 2017. While in this role, the city's economy grew twice as much as the national economy. He also served as Mexican minister of health, changing the ministry's approach to healthcare treatment to a preventative model and implementing a comprehensive pharmaceutical policy.

Michael Chui
Partner, McKinsey Global Institute

At MGI, McKinsey's business and economics research arm, Michael Chui leads research on the impact of disruptive technologies and innovation on business, the economy, and society. Chui has led McKinsey research in such areas as data and analytics, social and collaboration technologies, IoT, and artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation.

Helen Clark
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Helen Clark is the former Prime Minister of New Zealand and the former administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP). She was the first woman to lead the UNDP and simultaneously chaired the UN Development Group. She continues to be a strong voice for sustainable development, climate action, gender equality, women’s leadership, peace and justice, and action on pressing global health issues.

Philippe Close
Mayor, Brussels

Philippe Close became Mayor of Brussels in 2017 and was re-elected for a six-year term in October 2018. Prior to his appointment as Mayor, Close was chosen to be the leader of the Socialist Party group in the Brussels Parliament. In 2009, Close was elected as a member of the Brussels Parliament where he focused on the health sector and institutional issues.

Sheba Crocker
Vice President for Humanitarian Policy and Practice, CARE USA
Sheba Crocker provides overall leadership and strategic guidance for CARE USA’s emergency and humanitarian operations, programs, and policy. Crocker is responsible for overseeing humanitarian technical and operational support to CARE country offices and CI members and leads, which includes emergency food aid programs.
CEO, Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Ivo H. Daalder served as the US ambassador to NATO from 2009 to 2013. He joined the Council as president in 2013 and took on the new role of CEO in 2023. Previously, he was a senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution and served as director for European affairs on President Bill Clinton’s National Security Council. He is the author or editor of 10 books.

Caroline Daniel
Partner, Brunswick and Former Editor, FT Weekend
Caroline Daniel is a partner at Brunswick and former editor of FT Weekend, consulting editor of FT Live/FT Conferences, and FT assistant editor. Previously, Daniel was the FT White House correspondent, a features writer and reporter for the New Statesman, a reporter for the Economist, and a political researcher for Gordon Brown.
Mark Davy
Founder, Futurecity

Mark Davy is the founder of Futurecity, a global arts, culture, and placemaking consultancy. He has championed the culture-driven development of towns and cities and is a vocal champion of the use of the arts to help global cities compete for inward investment, retain knowledge workers, and involve communities in cultural planning.

Enrique de la Madrid
Former Minister of Tourism
Enrique de la Madrid is head of a new Urban Research Centre of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Previously, as Mexico's Minister of Tourism, the country ranked as the 6th most-visited by foreign visitors, surpassing the United Kingdom and Germany. De la Madrid has extensive experience in the financial sector having served as CEO of Bancomext, Mexico’s Eximbank and CEO of Financiera Rural.
Octavi de la Varga
Secretary General, METROPOLIS

Octavi de la Varga's previous positions include head of the office of development cooperation and head of the office of Europe and international strategy, both at the diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona Provincial Council). He has led and participated in projects on local development, the institutional strengthening of local governments, public policies, and social cohesion in several countries.

Evelyn J. Diaz
President, Heartland Alliance

As President of Heartland Alliance, Evelyn Diaz—a member of the Council's Emerging Leader Program class of 2011—is responsible for directing domestic and global strategy for Heartland Alliance's five nonprofit corporate entities. Previously, she was appointed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel to lead the City of Chicago’s Department of Family and Support Services.

Catherine Dimou
Midwest Market Medical Executive, Cigna Healthcare

At Cigna Healthcare, Catherine Dimou is responsible for supporting physician and hospital collaboration, new business development, client retention, as well as the Midwest market’s strategy and financial planning. As the leader of the Midwest clinical team, she helps to identify and implement solutions to improve health outcomes for Cigna customers while delivering value for Cigna clients.

US Business Editor, Financial Times

Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson is the US business editor of the Financial Times, leading its coverage of US business in an age of populism, policy upheavals, and shifting expectations of corporate America. He manages a team of reporters while writing news, analysis, and commentary and helping develop new offerings for the FT’s core audience such as Moral Money, its awards-winning ESG newsletter.

Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Financial Services AG

Klaus Entenmann has been the CEO of Daimler Financial Services AG since 2009. The company finances every second Daimler vehicle worldwide. As CEO, Entenmann transformed the organization into an integrated financial and mobility services provider. He added a digital approach with a broad range of innovative mobility services to the core business of financial services.

Sergio Fajardo Valderrama
Former Mayor, Medellín
Sergio Fajardo Valderrama served as mayor of Medellín from 2004 – 2007. In 1999 he entered politics, leading the first independent civic-based movement to become mayor of Colombia’s second-largest city. During his four-year tenure, he directed a great social transformation of Medellín, from a city immersed in violence to a center for aesthetic urban development projects.
Alexandre Farto
Artist, Vhils Studio
Alexandre Farto AKA Vhils has developed a unique visual language based on the removal of the surface layers of walls with non-conventional tools and techniques. He began interacting with the urban environment through the practice of graffiti in the early 2000s. Through his work, Vhils reflects on the impact of urbanity, development, and global homogenization on landscapes and people's identities.
Mimi Hoang
Principal and Co-Founder, nARCHITECTS

Mimi Hoang, AIA, is a principle of nARCHITECTS and an adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP). Along with partner Eric Bunge, she co-founded nARCHITECTS with the goal of addressing contemporary issues in architecture through conceptually driven, socially engaging, and technologically innovative work.

Sarah Herda
Executive Director, Graham Foundation

Sarah Herda is the executive director of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Founded in 1956, Graham Foundation is the only private foundation in the United States committed to providing project-based grants to individuals and institutions working to address issues related to architecture and the built environment.

Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez
Senior Director, World Bank Group, Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice

At World Bank Group, Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez leads a team of about 700 technical experts deployed across the world, leveraging global knowledge and collaborating with partners to help tackle the world’s most complex development challenges. His team manages a portfolio of about $29 billion and the delivery of more than 200 policy and advisory reports per year.

Abha Joshi-Ghani
Senior Adviser, Infrastructure Finance & Public Private Partnerships Department, The World Bank

Abha Joshi-Ghani is the senior adviser for Public-Private Partnerships at The World Bank, co-chair of the Global Future Council on the Future of Cities and Urbanization for the World Economic Forum, and co-editor of The Urban Imperative: Towards Competitive Cities, with Professor Edward Glaeser (2014). Previously, she worked on infrastructure finance and urban development around the world.

Bruce Katz
Bruce Katz is the coauthor of The New Localism: How Cities Can Thrive in the Age of Populism. Previously he served as inaugural Centennial Scholar at Brookings Institution and as vice president and director of Brooking's Metropolitan Policy Program for 20 years.
Alex Keros
Smart Cities Chief, Maven, General Motors Company
In his role, Alex Keros works with city planners and officials as well as community stakeholders to co-create urban solutions needed to decrease congestion, cut down on emissions, and build a blueprint for how people will get from place to place. He's worked across various teams at GM to create frameworks around new, eco-friendly products—Chevy Bolt and GM’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell Equinox.
Niamh King
Nonresident Fellow, Global Cities and Women and Global Development

Niamh King is a nonresident fellow on global cities and women and global development at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. King previously served as the Council's Vice President for Programs and Strategic Content. Prior to joining the Council, she held positions with Intel, the European Commission, FÁS, and the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Ian Klaus
Founding Director, Carnegie California

Ian Klaus is a leading scholar on the nexus of urbanization, geopolitics, and global challenges, with extensive experience as a practitioner of subnational diplomacy. Klaus co-led and served as the series editor for the Summary for Urban Policymakers, a landmark report that distilled over 8,000 pages of IPCC science into 80 pages of accessible, policy-relevant material for urban policymakers.

Stefan Knupfer
Global Urban Mobility, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company
Stefan Knupfer leads McKinsey's sustainability practice in the Americas and has global responsibility for helping its consultants develop sustainability expertise. As a former leader of the Automotive & Assembly Practice—and lead partner in the firm's Detroit office—Knupfer’s client work centers on the automotive, aerospace, and advanced electronics sectors.
JT Kostman
CEO, Applied AI

Previously, JT Kostman, Ph.D served as managing director of Applied Artificial Intelligence and Frontier-Technology practice for Grant Thornton. He is a data scientist, mathematician, and psychologist. As managing director of GT Labs, Kostman lead a team developing business solutions utilizing artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, blockchain, and advanced analytic solutions and services.

Mimoza Kusari-Lila
Member, Kosovo Parliament; Former Mayor, Gjakova

Mimoza Kusari-Lila is a member of the Kosovo Parliament and chairwoman of the newest political party in Kosovo named Alternativa. Previously, she was the first and only woman mayor (of Gjakova) ever to be elected in Kosovo, a position in which she served from December 2013–July 2017. Prior to being a mayor, she served as a Deputy PM and Minister of Trade and Industry.

Linda Lopez
Chief, Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, City of Los Angeles

Linda Lopez built the department and team at the mayor's office from the ground up under Eric Garcetti’s administration. She regularly interfaces and partners with federal government agencies, state legislatures, and government officials. She is also the primary spokesperson for Mayor Garcetti on issues impacting immigrants, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable communities.

US National Editor, Financial Times

Edward Luce is the Financial Times' chief US commentator and columnist based in Washington, D.C. Prior to that role, he was the Financial Times' Washington bureau chief and South Asia bureau chief based in New Delhi.

Dan Lynch
Vice President, State and Local Government Affairs, United Airlines
At United Airlines, Dan Lynch's goal is to create constructive and effective relationships with all levels of elected and appointed government and opinion leaders. Prior to this position, he was managing director of corporate and government affairs for United, where he oversaw government relations in Chicago, Denver, and Dulles, Virginia.
Karen Maguire
Acting Head of Division, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD
Karen Maguire is acting head of the Local Employment, Skills and Social Innovation Division in the OECD’s Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. The Division provides data, policy analysis and capacity building to national and subnational governments in the areas of local economic development, local actions for employment and skills, entrepreneurship, the social economy and culture.
Fernando Medina
Mayor, Lisboa
Fernando Medina has been mayor of Lisboa since 2015 and president of the Lisboa Metropolitan area since 2017. As mayor, he has focused on turning Lisboa into one of the best places to live and work. Previously, he was a member of the Portuguese Parliament, secretary of state for industry and development, and secretary of state for employment and vocational training.
Roelf Meyer
Former Minister of Constitutional Affairs, South Africa
Roelf Meyer is co-founder and chair of the In Transformation Initiative and advises on international peace processes. His experience in international peace processes stems from his involvement in the settlement of the South African conflict in which he was the government’s chief negotiator in constitutional negotiations with the ANC’s chief negotiator and South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa.
President and CEO, International Rescue Committee

David Miliband is the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee. He oversees the agency’s operations in 40 crisis-affected countries and its refugee resettlement and assistance programs throughout Europe and the Americas. He previously served as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs for the United Kingdom.

Otis Moss
Senior Pastor, Trinity United Church in Christ
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III has spent the last two decades practicing and preaching a Black theology that calls attention to the problems of mass incarceration, environmental justice, and economic inequality. His work has been widely published and he's been recognized as one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary.
Robert Muggah
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Cities

Robert Muggah is a specialist in cities, security, migration, and new technologies. He is principal of SecDev, a cyber security and digital resilience company. He also co-founded the Igarapé Institute—an independent think and do tank devoted to data-driven citizen, digital and climate security across Latin America and Africa. In addition to serving as a nonresident senior fellow at the Council, Muggah is a fellow or faculty at six other institutions. He is the author of eight books, most recently Terra Incognita: 100 Maps to Survive the Next 100 Years (Penguin/Random House) and received his DPhil from the University of Oxford.

Jennifer Musisi
City Leader in Residence, Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative

Jennifer Musisi plays a key role in advising on the design of Bloomberg Harvard programming, with a particular emphasis on programming for cities outside of the United States. She is also a frequent speaker and facilitator to different fora within and outside Harvard. Musisi has three decades of experience in turning around government institutions and systems in challenging settings.

Richard Naylor
Director of Research, World Cities Culture Forum & BOP Consulting
Richard Naylor is director of research at BOP Consulting, an international research and strategy consultancy focused on the cultural and creative economy. Together with the Greater London Authority, BOP organizes and coordinates the World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF). Cities in the WCCF network share a commitment to harnessing the power of culture to improve the quality of life of their citizens.
Henri-Paul Normandin
Director, International Relations, City of Montréal

In his current role, Henri-Paul Normandin spearheads innovative urban diplomacy on local and global issues. Former ambassador of Canada to Haiti and ambassador and deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Normandin has been involved in diplomacy, peace and security, governance, human rights, and sustainable development in Asia, Africa, and the Americas for over thirty years.

Obinna Okwodu
CEO, Fibre

Obinna Okwodu is the CEO of Fibre–a secure and convenient online platform through which Nigeria's growing young population can find and pay for rental accommodation. Fibre has generated over N600 million ($1.7 million) in guaranteed rental income for landlords, has served hundreds of customers, and has a waitlist of thousands of young professionals in Nigeria.

Karin Olofsdotter
Ambassador of Sweden to the United States of America
Before her assignment to Washington, DC, Karin Olofsdotter served as director-general for Trade at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Sweden. She was also deputy director-general for promotion of Sweden, Trade, and CSR in Stockholm. Previously, she served as ambassador in Budapest and deputy chief of mission at the Swedish Embassy in Washington, DC.
Ratna Omidvar
Senator for Ontario, The Senate of Canada

Ratna Omidvar is an internationally recognized voice on migration, diversity, and inclusion. In April 2016, she was appointed to the Senate of Canada as an independent senator representing Ontario. As a member of the Independent Senators Group, she holds a leadership position as the scroll manager. Senator Omidvar is also the founding executive director at the Global Diversity Exchange (GDX).

Chris Pangilinan
Head of Global Policy for Public Transportation, Uber

In his role at Uber, Chris Pangilinan works to help transit agencies and riders harness the technology platform to make transit more convenient and easier to use. Prior to joining Uber, he served in various planning and engineering roles at New York City Transit, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the Chicago Transit Authority, and the US Department of Transportation.

Lefteris Papagiannakis
Vice Mayor, Migrant and Refugee Affairs, Municipal Council, Athens

Lefteris Papagiannakis worked in the European Parliament as a parliamentary assistant. Since then, he has worked as a legal counselor for the political party Ecologists Green and the Special Secretariat on Environmental Inspection on the Education of the Muslim Minority. He was elected to the municipal council of Athens in 2014 and later named vice mayor on migrant and refugee affairs.

Maria Chiara Pastore
Head of Research, Stefano Boeri Architetti

Maria Chiara Pastore is also associate professor at the Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests are urban development for water and sanitation, urban planning in Africa, and adaptive planning for rapidly growing cities. Her recent work includes an improved green system in the Greater Milan 2030, Forestami (Milano 2030), and a water vision for the master plan of Tirana (Albania) 2030.

Tom Pritzker
Executive Chairman, Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Tom Pritzker is also chairman and CEO of The Pritzker Organization, the family's historical merchant bank, and on the board of directors of Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD. Over his career, he has been involved in acquiring and building companies in a number of different industries including Triton, Bay City Capital, Reliant Pharmaceuticals, and First Health.
Carlo Ratti
Director, SENSEable City Lab, MIT Urban Planning
Carlo Ratti is an architect and engineer by training and teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab. He is also a founding partner of the international design and innovation office Carlo Ratti Associati. His work has been exhibited in several venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennale, New York’s MoMA, London’s Science Museum, and Barcelona’s Design Museum.
Marvin Rees
Mayor, Bristol

Marvin Rees is the elected mayor of Bristol, UK. He was elected in May 2016, becoming the first European city mayor of Black African-Caribbean descent, and has prioritized housing, transportation, and early health and education intervention. After beginning his career in the voluntary sector, Rees worked in Washington, DC on the response of faith-based organizations to President Clinton's Welfare Reform Bill.

Aromar Revi
Director, Indian Institute for Human Settlements

Aromar Revi is the founding Director of the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, which he has built into one of the world’s leading education, research, training, advisory, and implementation-support institutions located in the global south. He has led over 200 major consulting and research assignments, is widely cited, and helped structure development investments of over $15 billion.

Distinguished Fellow, Global Cities

Mauricio Rodas, a fellow at the Council, founded and served as the Executive Director of Ethos Public Policy Lab, a think tank based in Mexico that went on to be ranked among the most influential in Latin America. In 2013 he ran for president of Ecuador and was then elected as mayor of Quito. He was named one of the 100 Worlds' Most Influential People on Climate Action in 2019 by "Apolitical."

Rebekah Scheinfeld
Former Commissioner, Chicago Department of Transportation

Rebekah Scheinfeld was appointed commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation by Mayor Rahm Emanuel in 2014. As an attorney with broad experience in urban development issues, Scheinfeld oversees a department responsible for Chicago’s roadways, bridges, traffic signals, and streetlights, while simultaneously managing the Chicago Smart Lighting Program and Divvy bike-share system.

Laura Schumacher
Vice Chairman, External Affairs and Chief Legal Officer, AbbVie

Laura Schumacher is responsible for AbbVie’s health economics outcomes research, government affairs, corporate responsibility, brand, and communications. She leads all legal functions, the office of ethics and compliance, and the biotherapeutics strategy. Prior to AbbVie’s separation from Abbott, Schumacher served as executive vice president, general counsel, and secretary.

Samuel Schwartz
Founder and CEO, Sam Schwartz Transportation Consultants
Samuel Schwartz's firm specializes in transportation planning and engineering. In 1980, during the New York City transit strike, he coined the term 'gridlock'. Consequently, he is known as Gridlock Sam and pens an eponymous traffic column in the New York Daily News. Previously, he was New York City’s Traffic Commissioner and was the Chief Engineer of the NYC Department of Transportation.
President, Migration Policy Institute

Andrew Selee is the president of the Migration Policy Institute, which seeks to improve immigration and integration policies through research and dialogue. Prior to joining MPI, Selee spent 17 years at the Woodrow Wilson Center, where he founded the Center’s Mexico Institute and served as vice president for programs and executive vice president.

Catherine P. Sheehy
Head of Advisory Solutions, Environment and Sustainability, UL
Catherine Sheehy and her team manage a range of projects covering zero waste and circularity, greener product frameworks, and carbon optimization strategies. Before joining UL, she was a manager at Accenture, where she led organization design and change enablement teams. Her other work experience includes the Human Rights Campaign, where she helped update and expand the Corporate Equality Index.
Chair of the Editorial Board and Editor-at-Large, US, Financial Times

Gillian Tett is chair of the editorial board and editor-at-large, US of the Financial Times. She writes weekly columns covering a range of economic, financial, political, and social issues. In 2014 she was named Columnist of the Year in the British Press Awards. In addition, Tett’s past roles include US managing editor, assistant editor, and capital markets editor.

Alessio Trerotoli
Artist, Alessio Trerotoli Photographer

Alessio Trerotoli is a photographer born and raised in Rome. Since his first exhibition in 2010, his photography has been shown in several galleries in Italy and abroad. In 2012 he published his first book, Out of the Cave, with notes and pictures of his travels. In 2013, he won the Abstracta Festival, and he has received several other awards.

Santiago Uribe
Chief Resilience Officer, City of Medellín
Santiago Uribe is the chief resilience officer for the City of Medellín, as part of 100 Resilient Cities. Previously, Uribe worked for three years as executive director of Social Innovation at Pigmalion Consulting where he coordinated research programs on disaster risk management, youth violence prevention, and local youth’s reproductive and mental health.
Gerben van Straaten
Founder, World of Walas
Gerben van Straaten has over 25 years of experience in urban development and re-development, with a focus on social, environmental, and financial sustainability. He has worked on the development of over 150 projects across four continents ranging from small First Nations communities to brownfield revitalization, theme park projects, and large mixed-use urban and community development.
Jan Vapaavuori
Mayor, Helsinki
Jan Vapaavuori became the Mayor of Helsinki in June 2017. Previously, he served as Minister of Economic Affairs and as Minister of Housing. As Mayor, Vapaavuori champions Helsinki as the most functional city in the world with a special focus on sustainable growth, digitalization, global problem solving, creativity, and the best possible conditions for everyday city life.
Karen Weigert
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Cities

Karen Weigert is the director of the Baumhart Center for Social Enterprise and Responsibility at Loyola University. In 2011 she was appointed chief sustainability officer for the city of Chicago, working to guide the city's sustainability strategy and implementation, and bringing innovative and practical solutions throughout the work of the city.

Stephen Weir
Vice President, Housing Innovation, Habitat for Humanity International
Prior to his current role, architect Stephen Weir served as vice president of global development and support at Habitat for Humanity International. Previously, he worked in Bangkok where he was vice president for Habitat's Asia programs. In 2007 he participated in the Berkley Center's symposium, “Faith-Inspired Organizations and Global Development: US and International Perspectives."
Nan Whaley
Mayor, Dayton
As mayor, Nan Whaley has focused on the areas of community development, manufacturing, and women and children. Her career is distinguished by her commitment to public service, civic involvement, and interest in local government. First elected to the Dayton City Commission in 2005, Whaley was the youngest woman ever chosen for a commission seat.
YE Qing
Chairman, IBR (Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd.)
YE Qing serves as the chairman of Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co., Ltd., a high-tech pioneer of green building and green city development. She is a National Class 1 Registered Architect, a professorate senior engineer, and one of the 2019 Forbes China's 100 Most Outstanding Business Women. In addition, she also serves as the deputy director of the China Green Building Council.
Andrea Zopp
President and CEO, World Business Chicago
Andrea Zopp is the President and CEO of World Business Chicago, where she leads the organization’s mission of inclusive economic growth, supporting businesses, and promoting Chicago as a leading global city. Most recently, she served as Deputy Mayor, Chief Neighborhood Development Officer for the City of Chicago.