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East Asia

With Normalcy Returning in Some Places, Global Public Opinion Shows a Degree of Anxiety

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While coronavirus restrictions are being incrementally removed in certain countries, some people are feeling concern at returning to the activities that had characterized their pre-pandemic lives.

A person wearing a surgical mask looks at their phone while walking on the sidewalk Global Health

As Virus Rages Unevenly, Global Public Opinion Shows Divergent Attitudes

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Although cases have declined significantly in Europe, the United States, and much of East Asia, the pandemic remains a major threat in South America, India, and several other nations around the world.

An NHS ad in a UK subway appeals commuters to get vaccinated.
John Cameron
Global Health

South Korea Is Staying Out of the US-China Rivalry

In the News
World Politics Review
Karl Friedhoff

Karl Friedhoff examines South Korea's careful negotiation of its security alliance with the United States, along with its economic dependence on China.

South Korean President Moon
Public Opinion

Amid Surges and Vaccine Issues, Global Public Opinion Shows Crisis is not Over

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Following high profile pauses to the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, as well as surging cases in different parts of the world, it is clear that the gains in some countries do not signal an end to the pandemic.

People walk through a fenced-in tunnel wearing colorful clothes
Abdul Goni
Public Opinion

World Review: Afghanistan Withdrawal, Merkel's Successor, Iran Nuclear Talks

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Stefan Kornelius, Peter Spiegel, and Nahal Toosi join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top global news stories.

US trips board a military plane in Afghanistan
Cpl. Alejandro Pena
US Foreign Policy

As Rollouts Vary and Issues Arise, Global Public Opinion Shows Vaccine Anxiety

Running Numbers by Coauthors

With high-profile suspensions of the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccine, fear of potential side effects and uneven efficacy of vaccine rollouts are causing concern for some.

Traffic cones mark parking areas for COVID-19 vaccination sites.
Joshua Hoehne
Public Opinion

Biden's Pragmatic Play on North Korea

In the News
The Hill
Matthew Abbott

Matt Abbott discusses the Biden administration's approach to North Korea.

Global Politics

As Vaccinations Increase, Global Public Opinion Shows Varied Sentiments

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Outbreaks continue to emerge even as vaccinations increase; some countries feel safe to engage in more normal activities while others introduce new restrictions.

The image shows a large crowd, and nearly everyone is wearing masks.
Macau Photo Agency
Global Health

Ambiguity Doesn't Work. Taiwan Needs Strategic Clarity

In the News
RealClear Defense

"The American people can no longer delay on firm, concise action toward Taiwan," Commander Michele Lowe and Alice Cho explain.

US Navy
Defense and Security

Biden Recalibrates Trump's Approach To East Asia

In the News
Paul Heer

Paul Heer examines President Biden's relationship with East Asia.

President of the United States Joe Biden
The White House
US Foreign Policy