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Public Opinion

Elite Poll: Regional Leaders in Southeast Asia Wary of China

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

Karl Friedhoff examines poll results of regional leaders regarding China's activities.

Public Opinion

Partisanship Divides Americans on COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Most Americans trust the information they receive from medical experts, distrust what they see on social media, and there is a partisan divide on trusting information from the US government and media.

a medical professional prepares a vaccine syringe
Sam Moqadam
Public Opinion

COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Grows While Global Public Opinion Shows Continued Concern

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Even as the vaccine rollout continues, some nations consider greater restrictions and further lockdowns as case numbers increase.

Army Spc. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
US Secretary of Defense
Global Health

Where in the World Did People Want a Trump Victory?

Running Numbers by Charlie Rahr

Council Public Opinion Intern Charlie Rahr examines the United States' international allies' opinions on the 2020 US Presidential election results.

Global Politics

President Biden Calls for Unity. Will He Get It?

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz discusses President Joe Biden's plans to unify the nation.

Global Politics

Will Europeans Trust the US After the Trump Presidency?

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz discusses European opinion of the US post-Trump.

Flag of the European Union
Christian Lue
Global Politics

Global Public Opinion Shows Hope, Unease at Pandemic

Running Numbers by Coauthors

With vaccination efforts under way, some hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight, while others feel uneasy due to distribution issues and immense pressures on the health care system.

A health worker prepares for a procedure with a mask for COVID-19
SJ Obijo
Public Opinion

Americans Condemn Capitol Riots; Reject Violence in Politics

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Large majorities of Americans now disapprove of the attack on the US Capitol, but Democrats and Republicans disagree about what the rioters were aiming to do and what to do next.

The US Capitol behind bars
Inclusion and Equity

Global Public Opinion Shows Mixed Willingness to Take Vaccine

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Brendan Helm, Craig Kafura, and Karl Friedhoff analyze views on COVID vaccinations, finding Americans are divided on whether to be vaccinated despite increasing availability.

vaccine syringe and bottle
Markus Spiske
Public Opinion

What Americans Make of the January 6 Chaos at the Capitol

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Polls show an American public deeply divided along partisan lines in their interpretation of the events, who is to blame, and what should be done as a result. 

Pro-Trump rally prior to insurrection at US Capitol
Inclusion and Equity