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Public Opinion

20 Years Later: 9/11 In The Public Memory

Running Numbers by Coauthors

On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, new polling finds that Americans still see international terrorism as a critical threat.

Water showing skyscrapers in reflecting pool of at the 9/11 memorial in NYC.
Public Opinion

Support for Taiwan Among US Public Increases: Poll

In the News
Taiwan Plus
Craig Kafura

New polls find that 52 percent of Americans now favor sending US troops to defend Taiwan if China invades. Craig Kafura talks to Taiwan Plus about what this means.

Screenshot of Craig Kafura speaking with Yin Khvat on Taiwan Plus.
Taiwan Plus
Public Opinion

Republicans and Democrats Support Evacuating, Relocating Afghans to the United States

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

New Chicago Council-Ipsos polling finds large, bipartisan majorities in support of evacuating and relocating to the United States their Afghan allies and others in danger from the Taliban.

Evacuees from Afghanistan Arrive at Naval Station Rota
Nathan Carpenter
Public Opinion

Majority of Americans Support Withdrawal from Afghanistan, but Criticize Its Implementation

Running Numbers by Coauthors

While two-thirds of Americans overall continue to support the withdrawal, a majority of Republicans now oppose it, a new survey from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Ipsos reveals.

Soldiers and civilians boarding an evacuation plane out of Afghanistan.
Public Opinion

US Public Supports Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Polling conducted in July for the 2021 Chicago Council Survey found seven out of ten Americans supported the withdrawal of US combat forces from Afghanistan by September 11.

US troops in Afghanistan
Public Opinion

How Do Foreign Policy Experts Think About Allies?

Running Numbers by Coauthors

A new experiment by researchers from the University of Illinois at Springfield, the University of Chicago, and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs finds that policy experts care about formal alliances. But even alliance relationships have limits.

Anthony Blinken Speaking
Ron Przysucha
Public Opinion

International Relations Scholars and the Public on US-China Policy

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

A comparison of two recent polls finds some similarities—and some significant differences—in how international relations scholars and the American public want to approach China.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan meet with CCP Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi, in Anchorage, Alaska, on March 18, 2021
Ron Przysucha
Public Opinion

Publics React to Mandatory Vaccination, the Olympics, and Governments' COVID Management

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Populations around the world remain divided over how comfortable they are returning to normal life as the Delta variant spreads.

Olympic flag in Tokyo
Global Health

Americans Favor a Two-State Solution More Than Israelis and Palestinians Do

Running Numbers by Coauthors

After violent conflict between Israel and Hamas, a new Israeli governing coalition, and Palestinian repression, what would a peaceful future look like?

Palestinian protestors
Public Opinion

Countries Have Varied Responses to Delta Variant Spread

Running Numbers by Coauthors

With the global infection rate increasing for the first time since April, some countries are pumping the brakes on ambitious recovery plans.

People in surgical masks sit on a bus
Public Opinion