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World Review: Ukraine Diplomacy, Middle East Calm, and Iran Deal or No Deal

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Steve Erlanger, Kim Ghattas, and Susan Glasser join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

American soldiers stand in front of an armored tank
US Foreign Policy

What Is Really Driving Chinese Aggression?

In the News
National Interest
Paul Heer

Actions by other players—including China’s neighbors and the United States—are key drivers of Beijing’s perception of the international environment and responses to it, Paul Heer explains.

Chinese tank
Defense and Security

Renew Space Dialogue with China

In the News
War on the Rocks
Craig Kafura

It’s high time to re-launch the Civil Space Dialogue and the Space Security Exchange with China, argues Craig Kafura in War on the Rocks.

Astronauts Ye Guangfu, Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping wave during a ceremony ahead of the launch of the Long March-2F Y13 rocket
Defense and Security

Everything You Need to Know About Sanctions

Global Insight by Ethan Kessler

Economic sanctions: what they are, how the US has used them in foreign policy, and considerations for current policymakers.

US Department of Treasury
US Department of Treasury
Defense and Security

Liberal vs. Moderate Democrats on Use of US Troops

Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

While moderate Democrats are more supportive of funding the military, liberals are more willing to deploy troops to defend allies, 2021 Chicago Council Survey data show.

Military personnel from the 82nd Airborne Division and 18th Airborne Corps board a C-17 transport plane for deployment to Eastern Europe
Public Opinion

Daniel Baer on Russia's Declining Power

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

As the Ukraine crisis continues, how should we understand Russia's larger political aims?

Daniel Baer Global Politics

Coups Are Happening Where Democracy Is Failing

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“Those who want democracy to succeed must help make the case,” argues Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune. Case in point: the US impact on coups.

Protestors wave red flags in Tunisia.
US Foreign Policy

Biden and Scholz Prepare for Putin's Next Move

Video Series
Featured Video

Will gas flow in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine? Council President Ivo Daalder argues on CNN it is "inconceivable."

Macron Tries Reviving Minsk Agreement

Video Series
Featured Video

Emmanuel Macron tries to assuage Russia’s concerns, but no one ever truly implemented the Minks Agreement he’s rousing, explains Ivo Daalder on CBC's Power & Politics.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CBC next to images of Macron and Putin at podiums. Global Politics

Election Fraud Narrative Underway in South Korean Race

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

The building of an election fraud narrative in South Korea's presidential election is already underway.

Yoon Suk-yeol, the presidential election candidate of South Korea's main opposition People Power Party (PPP), shakes hands with Lee Jae-myung, the presidential election candidate of the ruling Democratic Party.
Public Opinion