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World Review: Ethiopia's Tigray Crisis, Lebanon's Decline, Rumsfeld

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Kim Ghattas, Philip Stephens, and Julian Barnes join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

An armored tank drives down a paved path in Ethiopia
US Foreign Policy

World Review: Iran's New President, China's Take on Biden, EU-Russia Reset

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, Bobby Ghosh, and Elise Labott join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

People hold pictures of Iran's new president and wave the Iran flag
US Foreign Policy

Ivo Daalder on NATO 2030

Video Series
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Council President Ivo Daalder examines NATO's future in testimony for the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe.

Nato family photo
NATO 2030
US Foreign Policy

We Need to Take Action Now to Protect the Amazon Basin

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The Council's Robert Muggah offers TEDxSaoPaulo five priorities to disrupt the crime and corruption that threatens not just Latin America, but the world.

Robert Muggah
Climate and the Environment

NATO's Plan for the Future

Video Series
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After meeting with allies, President Biden will have a strong message and red lines for President Putin, Council President Ivo Daalder explains to MSNBC.

Ivo Daalder with MSNBC host and white house correspondent Defense and Security

NATO and the China Challenge

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Has President Biden done enough to reassure America's allies? Council President Ivo Daalder joins MSNBC to discuss.

Ivo Daalder joins MSNBC ahead of Biden's NATO presser Defense and Security

NATO Summit Puts Focus on China, Russia

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China and Russia dominate the future of the transatlantic alliance, Council President Ivo Daalder explains to CNN.

Ivo Daalder joins CNN Defense and Security

NATO Remains in US National Interest

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President Biden's approach to his first NATO summit shows he understands the importance of competition with China instead of confrontation, Council President Ivo Daalder explains to BBC World News.

Ivo Daalder on the BBC Defense and Security

NATO Welcomes Biden in Brussels

Video Series
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Council President Ivo Daalder joins BBC World News to explain why Biden's first meeting with NATO allies is dominated by growing aggression from Russia and China.

Nato Summit
Defense and Security

Biden Reaffirms US Commitment to NATO

Video Series
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"Intentions matter," Council President Ivo Daalder explains in a conversation with CNN's Jim Sciutto after President Biden's first NATO meetings.

Ivo Daalder on CNN with Jim Sciutto Defense and Security