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Deep Dish Podcast

Browse all episodes of our podcast, Deep Dish, where Council Vice President of Studies Brian T. Hanson sits down with guests to go beyond the headlines on critical global issues.

  1. Fully-matching results

  2. Ivo Daalder on NATO 2030 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Foreign Policy

    Ivo Daalder on NATO 2030 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council President Ivo Daalder examines NATO's future in testimony for the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe.

  3. Goolsbee and Keynes on Trump's Trade Wars and the US Economy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Economy

    Goolsbee and Keynes on Trump's Trade Wars and the US Economy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Austan Goolsbee

    Austan Goolsbee and Soumaya Keynes join the Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ Deep Dish podcast to discuss the US-China trade war and the US economy.

  4. American Views of China Remain at Record Lows | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    American Views of China Remain at Record Lows | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

    With Xi Jinping poised to receive a third term at the 20th Party Congress, American opinion of China has never been worse.

  5. Rose Gottemoeller on the Future of Arms Control | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Rose Gottemoeller on the Future of Arms Control | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Rose Gottemoeller

    Can the United States and Russia still work together on nuclear nonproliferation?

  6. Soldiers in Afghanistan viewed from inside plane.
    US Foreign Policy

    Best Laid Plans: Council President on Afghanistan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Ivo H. Daalder

    Council President Ivo Daalder, former US ambassador to NATO, shares his perspective.

  7. Why Tunisia Is the Epicenter of Arab Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Why Tunisia Is the Epicenter of Arab Democracy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Gordon Gray

    Sarah Yerkes and Gordon Gray join Deep Dish to discuss why Tunisia is the epicenter of Arab Democracy

  8. About the Lester Crown Center | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Lester Crown Center on US Foreign Policy influences discourse and decisions on important US foreign policy and national security issues by researching public opinion and producing original policy analysis.
  9. Patrick Harker on the Federal Reserve's Response to COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Tony Webster

    Patrick Harker on the Federal Reserve's Response to COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Patrick Harker from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia joins the Council to share the key risks facing the US economy during the coronavirus pandemic.
  10. Ethiopia's Fate Threatens Regional Stability | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Ethiopia's Fate Threatens Regional Stability | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    As a potential civil war bubbles to the surface in Ethiopia, the conflict could have a broader impact on the region's politics and US policies towards the continent.

  11. Americans Favor Aiding Taiwan Against China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Wang Yu Ching
    Public Opinion

    Americans Favor Aiding Taiwan Against China | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Craig Kafura

    Should China invade Taiwan, 2022 Chicago Council Survey data show most Americans would support sending arms but not US troops.

  12. Taiwan flag in a room with an airplane
    Taiwan Presidential Office
    Defense and Security

    How to Best Defend Taiwan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Ethan Kessler

    The strategy debate has serious implications for both Taipei and, by association, the United States, argues Ethan Kessler.

  13. United States Immigration and Border Policy in 2019 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    United States Immigration and Border Policy in 2019 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Immigration experts Michelle Brané and Randy Capps, along with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, explored what is taking place at the US-Mexican border.
  14. Rethinking Conflict Resolution in Sudan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Rethinking Conflict Resolution in Sudan | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Jacqueline Burns,Peter Biar Ajak

    How can international partners help pave the way for a more peaceful future in Sudan?

  15. Peril in Peru: Protests, Unrest and Calls for Change | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Peril in Peru: Protests, Unrest and Calls for Change | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Cynthia Sanborn,Ryan Dube

    Can Peru’s democracy satisfy protester demands, or will it head into political chaos?

  16. China Backlash, Trump vs the Intelligence Community, Vaccine Funding | Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Health

    China Backlash, Trump vs the Intelligence Community, Vaccine Funding | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    The Washington Post's Karen DeYoung, The New York Times' Carol Giacomo, and Süddeutsche Zeitung's Stefan Kornelius join Brian Hanson to discuss global news.

  17. Is Dealing with Putin a Lost Cause for Washington? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Is Dealing with Putin a Lost Cause for Washington? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Molly Montgomery

    Molly Montgomery and William Rugeroin Deep Dish to discuss if dealing with Putin is a lost cause or not.

  18. The US-Japan Alliance in the Age of Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    The White House
    Public Opinion

    The US-Japan Alliance in the Age of Crisis | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Naoko Funatsu,Takeshi Iida,Craig Kafura,Shoko Kohama,Satoshi Machidori,Satoru Mori,Ryo Sahashi

    Survey results reveal how Japanese perceptions of security in East Asia have changed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  19. What Are Sanctions—and Do They Work? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Foreign Policy

    What Are Sanctions—and Do They Work? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ethan Kessler

    Research Associate Ethan Kessler explains the benefits and drawbacks of what’s become a major US foreign policy tool.

  20. Counterinsurgency's Failures, from Afghanistan to Vietnam | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Counterinsurgency's Failures, from Afghanistan to Vietnam | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Jacqueline Hazelton

    Winning hearts and minds doesn't defeat insurgent groups, author Jacqueline Hazelton argues. So why does the United States still rely on counterinsurgency?

  21. Most Americans Willing to Work with Autocrats to Protect the US | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Most Americans Willing to Work with Autocrats to Protect the US | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    The public is more concerned about national security than promoting human rights and democracy abroad, Council polling shows.

  22. Thailand's Youth Demand Democratic Reforms | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    US Foreign Policy

    Thailand's Youth Demand Democratic Reforms | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Pavin Chachavalpongpun

    Pavin Chachavalpongpun joins Deep Dish to explain how social media makes Thailand's youth protests different than past movements.

  23. Preventing US Allies from Going Nuclear | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Preventing US Allies from Going Nuclear | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Ivo H. Daalder,Chuck Hagel,Malcolm Rifkind

    Ivo Daalder, Chuck Hagel, Malcolm Rifkind, and Kevin Rudd join Brian Hanson to explain why the current security environment could restart nuclear proliferation.

  24. The Case for America to Promote Democracy Abroad | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    The Case for America to Promote Democracy Abroad | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Derek Mitchell ,Daniel Twining

    The presidents of the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute join  Deep Dish  to explain why the United States must promote democracy abroad.

  25. A group of girls sit at their desks at a school in Kenya.
    Women and Girls

    Women's Success Is the World's Success | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Impact Stories by Catherine Bertini

    Council Distinguished Fellow and Former Executive Director of the World Food Program Catherine Bertini reflects on why elevating women and girls worldwide matters.

  26. Detainees held at a prison in El Salvador
    AP Photos
    Human Rights

    El Salvador's Crackdown on Gangs, Explained | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Global Insight by Emma Sanderson

    Mass arrests have reduced crime in the short-term—but at a significant cost to human rights.

  27. From Likes to Violence: How Big Tech is Helping Fuel Extremism | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Tech and Science

    From Likes to Violence: How Big Tech is Helping Fuel Extremism | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Leah Kimathi,Kristina Wilfore

    Could Big Tech's failure to moderate social media be fueling violence and extremism in Kenya and beyond?

  28. The Australia-US Alliance in a Pacific Century | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    The White House
    Global Politics

    The Australia-US Alliance in a Pacific Century | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Dr. Michael Fullilove joins Deep Dish to delve into the important but often-overlooked relationship between the US and Australia.

  29. Prosecuting War Crimes in Ukraine and Beyond | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Human Rights

    Prosecuting War Crimes in Ukraine and Beyond | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Karen Alter ,Rebecca Hamilton

    How can the world hold Russia accountable for the atrocities in Ukraine? Karen Alter and Rebecca Hamilton discuss.

  30. Protecting Ukraine's Cultural Heritage in a Time of War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Protecting Ukraine's Cultural Heritage in a Time of War | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Olesia Ostrovska-Liuta,James Cuno

    Why are cultural sites a target during war? Olesia Ostrovska-Liuta and Jim Cuno explore.

  31. Big Boats and Broken Supply Chains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Economy

    Big Boats and Broken Supply Chains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Phil Levy ,Claire Jones

    What does one giant boat's ability to halt 10 percent of global trade tell us about our globalized world?

  32. Democracy on the Brink: Understanding Mexico's Authoritarian Turn | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Democracy on the Brink: Understanding Mexico's Authoritarian Turn | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Denise Dresser,Guillermo Trejo

    Is Mexico sliding into authoritarianism?

  33. What Happens When a Billion Indians Finally Get Online? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Shealah Craighead
    Global Politics

    What Happens When a Billion Indians Finally Get Online? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Author Ravi Agrawal joins Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ Deep Dish podcast to explain how the smartphone is transforming the world's largest democracy.

  34. Paul Farmer on Ebola’s Lessons for COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Health

    Paul Farmer on Ebola’s Lessons for COVID-19 | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Paul Farmer

    Medical anthropologist and founder of Partners in Health, Paul Farmer, joins Deep Dish to explain the lessons the 2014 Ebola outbreak taught him on care and inequality and how they can be applied to fight COVID-19.

  35. Has Brexit Finally Arrived? The Economist’s Zanny Minton Beddoes Explains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Habib Ayoade
    Global Politics

    Has Brexit Finally Arrived? The Economist’s Zanny Minton Beddoes Explains | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Zanny Minton Beddoes joins the Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ Deep Dish podcast to explain how the United Kingdom fell into their current predicament.

  36. This Era of Hostage Diplomacy Requires New Answers | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Human Rights

    This Era of Hostage Diplomacy Requires New Answers | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Danielle Gilbert

    Hostage taking is as old as time, but today the world faces new tactics and unprecedented challenges; what can be done?

  37. Democracy is in Danger Worldwide. Here's What to Do. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Democracy is in Danger Worldwide. Here's What to Do. | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Can we prevent global democracy’s death? Hoover Institution's Larry Diamond joins Deep Dish to offer his assessment and a dire warning.

  38. Why Allies are Key for US Security Today | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    Why Allies are Key for US Security Today | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Mira Rapp-Hooper

    CFR's Mira Rapp-Hooper explains why NATO is still essential for America’s global leadership – but must be remade to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

  39. Cryptocurrencies, Geopolitics, & the Future of Money | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Economy

    Cryptocurrencies, Geopolitics, & the Future of Money | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Timothy Massad ,Gillian Tett

    Bitcoin is just a small part of the global conversation around cryptocurrencies. Will they shake up the economy—and geopolitics—as much as advertised?

  40. The Criminalization of Immigrants in the United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    The Criminalization of Immigrants in the United States | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Alina Das

    Alina Das joins the Council's Brian Hanson to discuss America's history of punishing immigrants.

  41. Brazil's Bolsonaro Is No Tropical Trump | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Global Politics

    Brazil's Bolsonaro Is No Tropical Trump | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Latin American political expert Pete Schechter joins Deep Dish to discuss the differences between far-right populism in Brazil and the U.S.

  42. A back view of graduates during a graduation ceremony.
    US Foreign Policy

    Celebrating and Empowering the Next Generation | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Impact Stories by Elizabeth Shackelford

    Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford reflects on how the Council helps students dive in.

  43. Ryan Crocker on Iran-Iraq Relations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Loey Felipe
    Defense and Security

    Ryan Crocker on Iran-Iraq Relations | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Ryan Crocker, who served as a US ambassador, joins Deep Dish to discuss America’s relationship with Iran and Iraq.

  44. US Allies vs. Partners—What's the Difference? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs US Foreign Policy

    US Allies vs. Partners—What's the Difference? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Paul Poast

    Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast explains why both are a key part of American foreign policy.

  45. Fire Is Not Brazil's Only Amazon Problem | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Ria Sopala
    Climate and the Environment

    Fire Is Not Brazil's Only Amazon Problem | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson

    Robert Muggah, research director of the Igarapé Institute in Rio de Janeiro, joins Deep Dish to discuss the myriad problems across Brazil.

  46. The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Defense and Security

    The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Philip Gordon

    Author and former White House Middle East advisor and expert Philip Gordon joins Deep Dish to explain regime change in Middle East policy.

  47. a person wearing a mask works at a pizza shop Global Health

    The Pandemic is Not "Over" for Everyone | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Blog Post
    Running Numbers by Phillip Meng

    President Joe Biden declared an end to the public health crisis, but many racial minority and lower-income groups around the world haven't moved on.

  48. Does the United Nations Do Anything Useful? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Mat Reding
    Global Politics

    Does the United Nations Do Anything Useful? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Brian Hanson,Catherine Bertini

    Catherine Bertini and Thomas G. Weiss  join Deep Dish to discuss the future of the United Nations and why the United States should lead its renewal.

  49. Will India’s Farmers Rein in Modi’s Power? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Food and Agriculture

    Will India’s Farmers Rein in Modi’s Power? | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by Sumit Ganguly,Surupa Gupta

    Sumit Ganguly and Surupa Gupta join Brian Hanson to discuss the impact of the protests to to reform the agricultural sector.

  50. Young Americans Question US Global Engagement | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Public Opinion

    Young Americans Question US Global Engagement | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz,Emily Sullivan

    Both Millennials and Gen Z are more hesitant than their elders to endorse military approaches to foreign policy.

  51. How Europe Can Break Free from Russian Energy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
    Tech and Science

    How Europe Can Break Free from Russian Energy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs

    by James Henderson

    The European Union has bold goals to wean itself from Russian energy. Can it succeed?