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Public Opinion Survey

Americans See Europe as Most Critical Region for US Security

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

Public support for US military bases on the continent is also on the rise, Council polling reveals.

President Joe Biden participates in a secure video call with European leaders, Monday, January 24, 2022, in the White House Situation Room. Public Opinion

Support for US Commitment to NATO at 48-Year High

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

And bipartisan majorities of Americans support admitting new members to the alliance, Council polling shows.

President Joe Biden speaks at a press conference on the final day of the NATO Summit in Madrid
Public Opinion

Americans More Threatened by Russia Than China

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

American feelings toward Russia and China are lower than during the Cold War, Council polling shows.

Russian President Putin meets Chinese President Xi in Beijing
Public Opinion

Americans Support Sanctions on Iran

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

In the event of Iran developing nuclear weapons, the US public wants to tighten economic sanctions, and most support a return to the JCPOA.

The atomic symbol and the Iranian flag
Public Opinion

Americans Continue to Back South Korea

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

A majority support using US troops to defend Seoul should North Korea invade, Council polling shows.

VP Harris and President Yoon shake hands near flags.
Public Opinion

Republicans More Conservative Than Democrats Are Liberal

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

And the ideological split between parties continues to widen, new Council polling shows.

silhouette of a donkey and an elephant in front of an American flag
Public Opinion

21 Years after 9/11, Americans Are Less Concerned about Terrorism

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

In 2002, nine in 10 Americans saw international terrorism as a critical threat. About six in 10 do today, Council polling shows.

The American flag flies at Ground Zero in New York City Public Opinion

Americans Believe Sanctions Will Weaken Russia's Economy and Military

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

But neither Americans or Ukrainians think the sanctions will force Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine in the immediate future.

power strip and electricity plug with euro banknotes
Public Opinion

Most Americans Say Climate Change Is a Critical Threat

Public Opinion Survey by Emily Sullivan

But public opinion is sharply divided along partisan lines, 2022 Chicago Council Survey data finds.

a sign that says climate justice now!
Climate and the Environment

Americans and Human Rights in China

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

In new Council polling, Americans say China’s treatment of minority groups isn’t just a question of internal politics.

An ethnic Uighur couple waits as a truck loaded with Chinese paramilitary police goes by in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Public Opinion