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American Support for US Strikes against Syria Split along Partisan Lines

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

A majority of Americans support the joint airstrike conducted by the US, UK, and France against Syria and would favor additional strikes if Syria uses chemical weapons again.

American soldiers at US army base, standing in front of a sunset.
Public Opinion

American Views toward US-Japan Relations and Asia-Pacific Security

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The American public continues to view Japan favorably. More than 86 percent say that the United States and Japan are mostly partners.

The American and Japanese flags.
US Dept. of Agriculture
Public Opinion

Youth for Growth: Transforming Economies through Agriculture

Report by Felix Kwame Yeboah

The US and global community must promote youth-inclusive agricultural transformation, or they risk seeing strategic partners weakened by rapid population growth and threatened by the instability this generates.

A young woman from the Erbore tribe in Ethiopia carries grasses.
Food and Agriculture

Japan, the Indo-Pacific, and the "Quad"

Policy Brief by Emma Chanlett-Avery

This brief analyzes the 2017 ASEAN summit where four of the region's major maritime democracies discussed the revival of quadrilateral cooperation for a free and open Indo-Pacific.

President Moon Jae-In, President Trump, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Global Politics

Despite Last Year’s Expectations, Publics Sense Strains in US-Russia Relations

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Opinion surveys conducted in both the United States and Russia reflect similar disappointment and continued mistrust among the general publics.

National flags outside the United Nations Public Opinion

American and Russian Opinion at a Standoff on Crimea Sanctions

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Although the US public supports maintaining or increasing US sanctions against Russia, the Russian public does not think the sanctions are a critical threat to their country.

View of Moscow from the Kremlin.
Pedro Szekely
Public Opinion

East Asia’s Rising Geoeconomics and the Strategy for Japan

Report by Saori N. Katada

Amidst economic uncertainty, Japan must create a robust regional order that supports continued prosperity regardless of the US administration or China’s geopolitical ambitions.

Akihabara Electric Town, Tokyo, Japan. Global Economy

Ready to Work: Understanding Immigrant Skills in the United States to Build a Competitive Labor Force

Report by Rob Paral

As the United States strives to build a workforce that will maintain its economic competitiveness, we must invest in education and training for foreign-born workers.

DACA recipient and engineering student works on a circuit board.

For First Time, Majority of Mexicans Hold Unfavorable View of United States

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Mexican public opinion of the US is at a record low, while American views of Mexico remain positive. However, both publics believe that NAFTA has been good for their respective economies.

Flag of Mexico.
Christian Frausto Bernal
Public Opinion

How China Sees North Korea: Three Critical Moments in History and Future Directions

Report by Patricia Kim

Securing Beijing’s cooperation on denuclearizing North Korea requires a clear understanding of Chinese strategic thinking on the Korean Peninsula.

Chinese flag, Beijing, China. Global Politics