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North America

Russians Say Their Country Is A Rising Military Power; And a Growing Percentage of Americans View Russia as a Threat

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Surveys of Russian and American public opinion by the Levada Center and Chicago Council on Global Affairs indicate the United States and Russia are more rivals than partners.

People wave the Russian flag. Public Opinion

Americans and Russians Agree: We're Heading Towards a New Arms Race

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Findings from a binational survey show that Americans and Russians would like to see the two countries negotiate a nuclear agreement.

American and Russian flags.
Eurasian Women's Forum
Public Opinion

Under AMLO, Mexican Views of the US Rebound from All-Time Low

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

This Chicago Council on Global Affairs survey finds that a majority in Mexico now express a favorable view of the United States.

Flag of Mexico.
Christian Frausto Bernal/Flickr
Public Opinion

Reducing Urban Violence: A Common Vision for the Western Hemisphere

Policy Brief by Flavia Carbonari

This report authored by a group of experts from Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, and the United States discusses a regional vision for reducing urban violence in the Western Hemisphere.

Skyline of Caracas, Venezuela at dawn.
Stig Nygaard
Defense and Security

As China Rises, Americans Seek Closer Ties with Japan

Report by Coauthors

While the American public is hesitant to get involved in a conflict between China and Japan, Americans across party lines want to build strong relations with US allies in Asia.

Flags outside of NATO Headquarters
Public Opinion

The Fate of the World Trade Organization in the Age of Trump

Policy Brief by Coauthors

There are several reasons to hope, but more reasons for concern now that the World Trade Organization is teetering due to the Trump administration’s multiple attacks.

A flag with the letters WTO OMC waves in front of the World Trade Organization headquarters.
Global Economy

China Not Yet Seen as a Threat by the American Public

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The Trump administration’s active efforts to portray China as a bad international actor will further heighten tensions between the two countries, but as of yet, the American public does not yet see China as an urgent threat to national security.

USA and China flags.
CDC Global
Public Opinion

The Empty Throne: America's Abdication of Global Leadership

Book by Coauthors

American diplomacy is in shambles, but beneath the daily chaos is an erosion of the postwar order that is even more dangerous.

The US White House.
Diego Cambiaso
Global Politics

2018 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2018 Chicago Council Survey indicates that Americans now supported active US engagement in world affairs, the largest majority since 1974—except for just after the September 11 attacks.

2018 Chicago Council Survey: America Engaged Public Opinion

Record Number of Americans Endorse Benefits of Trade

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

American views of President Trump’s performance on trade are divided along party lines, but a large majority say that trade is good for the US economy, consumers, and job creation.

A woman rides her motorcycle past containers at the Port of Shanghai.
Global Economy