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Results for:
Karl Friedhoff

Ahead of Biden-Moon Summit, South Koreans and Americans Align on China and North Korea

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Chicago Council survey data find majorities in South Korea view China as more of a security threat than a security partner and as more of an economic threat than an economic partner.

South Korean President Moon
Public Opinion

Ahead of Biden-Suga Summit, Americans See Japan as the United States' Most Important Partner

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Craig Kafura and Karl Friedhoff analyze findings of a recent poll examining American public opinion on US relations with Japan.

President Joe Biden meets with the leaders of Japan, India, and Australia
The White House
Public Opinion

South Koreans See China as More Threat than Partner, But Not the Most Critical Threat Facing the Country

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

Majorities of South Koreans cite low birthrates in South Korea and North Korea’s nuclear program as larger threats than China's economic or military power.

2021 meeting between Moon, Blinken, and Austin
Public Opinion

American Public Divided on Cooperating with, Confronting China

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

A March 2021 survey finds Americans see US priorities in Asia to be less about limiting the expansion of China and more about economic growth and strengthening democracy.

A guard outside the People Hall in Beijing.
Public Opinion

Democrats, Republicans Support Alliances, Disagree on International Organizations

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

While Americans of all political stripes remain committed to allies and alliances, the public is divided along partisan lines on the value of international organizations.

US, NATO and Britain flags fly at the Alliance headquarters in Brussels.
US Foreign Policy

Americans Positive on South Korea Despite Trump's Views on Alliance

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

American's favorable views of South Korea are at an all-time high and a majority of Americans support using US troops to defend South Korea if invaded by North Korea.

South Korean flag.
William Warby
Public Opinion

2020 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Dina Smeltz, Ivo H. Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, and Brendan Helm analyze data finding Democrats and Republicans are divided in their views on top threats to United States and how the country should address global challenges and engage internationally. 

An image of the White House seen at night. Public Opinion

Troop Withdrawal Likely to Undermine South Korean Public Support for Alliance with United States

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

New polling reveals that little has changed in terms of South Korean attitudes towards the US-South Korea military alliance.

Sailors wave to children while marching in the annual Jinhae Gunhangje military port festival parade in South Korea, April 5, 2019.
US Navy
Public Opinion

With Tensions Receding, Americans Lose Fear of North Korea

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

The American public is now less concerned about the threat posed by North Korea.

North Korean soldiers look to the South through binoculars while on patrol.
Public Opinion

While Positive toward US Alliance, South Koreans Want to Counter Trump's Demands for Support

Public Opinion Survey by Karl Friedhoff

A large majority (92%) of the South Korean public supports their country’s alliance with the United States, largely unchanged since 2014. 

A ROK sailor waves flags in front of an aircraft carrier.
Jermaine M. Ralliford
Public Opinion