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US Foreign Policy

Most Americans See Value in International Trade

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

While the US public believes trade is good for the economy, it does favors some restrictions—especially on goods such as semiconductors.

A ship is docked at the Port of Baltimore
AP Photos
Public Opinion

2023 Survey of Public Opinion on US Foreign Policy

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to impact American attitudes toward global engagement.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden shake hands during their meeting in Kyiv
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Americans Continue to See Benefits from US Alliances

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

As the war in Ukraine continues, majorities say the United States should maintain or increase its commitment to NATO.

Biden stands on a stage with fellow NATO leaders
AP Photos
Public Opinion

American Public Support for Assistance to Ukraine Has Waned, But Still Considerable

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Six in 10 continue to support providing economic aid and sending additional arms and military supplies to the Ukrainian government, down slightly from a year ago.

Demonstrators rally at Lincoln Memorial in support of Ukraine
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Majorities Support US Bases in Key Allied Nations

Public Opinion Survey by Craig Kafura

But partisan divisions over using US troops to defend allies in Europe and Asia are growing.

Members of the US Army attend a military parade ceremony in Lithuania
AP Photos
Public Opinion

The Quad's Next Chapter

Report by Karl Friedhoff

Advancing the group's pillars of prosperity and development will be at the very heart of competition with China in the coming decade.

leaders of Australia, the United States, Japan, and India pose for a photo
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Less is More: A New Strategy for US Security Assistance to Africa

Report by Coauthors

The US strategy toward Africa today is neither effective nor sustainable. It’s time to flip the script.

US troops participate in a military exercise with African allies
US Foreign Policy

Ethiopia: Propping up One Strongman after Another

Policy Brief by Emma Sanderson

America’s unconditional security sector assistance has helped facilitate Ethiopia’s violent responses to opposition.

Ethiopian government soldiers ride in the back of a truck on a road in the Tigray region
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Burkina Faso: If It’s Not Broke, Don’t Break It

Policy Brief by Elizabeth Shackelford

A military strengthened by American training, weapons, and intelligence helped create the very problem US assistance was meant to prevent.

 Supporters of Capt. Ibrahim Traore parade wave a Russian flag in the streets of Ouagadougou
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Cameroon: Which War Are We Fighting?

Policy Brief by Ethan Kessler

US security assistance meant for counterterrorism efforts is also implicated in the government’s war against Anglophone separatists.

Cameroon soldiers stand guard at a lookout post as they take part in operations against the Islamic extremists group Boko Haram
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy