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Public Opinion

US–Japan Alliance Central to American Views of Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Michael J. Green

The American public’s foreign policy attitudes demonstrate support for the pivot to Asia and for free trade agreements and sustained forward military presence.

 The American and Japanese flags.
US Dept. of Agriculture
Public Opinion

Americans Affirm Ties to Allies in Asia

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Public opinion data shows Americans support US involvement in Asia and seem to think that US regional efforts positively affect stability.

USA and China flags in front of a blue sky
CDC Global
Public Opinion

Americans Expecting a Power Shift in Energy Supply in Next 10 Years

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Americans clearly lean toward cleaner methods of powering the country and expect renewable sources will overtake fossil fuels as the primary US energy sources in the next 10 years.

View of buildings on the Chicago River. Public Opinion

Half of Americans Say US Government Not Doing Enough on Climate Change

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

New Chicago Council Survey results show that most Americans aren’t extremely concerned about climate change, but many believe the government isn’t doing enough to combat the issue.

 View of clouds on Earth from space.
Public Opinion

2014 Chicago Council Survey

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The 2014 Chicago Council Survey of American public opinion and US foreign policy shows public support for an “Active” Role in world affairs.

2014 Chicago Council Survey report cover Public Opinion

2014  Chicago Council Immigration Survey

Report by Coauthors

A Chicago Council on Global Affairs report which shows bipartisan support among Midwestern business leaders to pass immigration reform.

 View of Chicago skyline from Indiana
Tom Gill
Public Opinion

In Mexico, President Obama Expresses Optimism for Immigration Reform, But Many Americans Express Bias against Mexican Immigrants

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

Americans support some variation of immigration reform, but half overstate unauthorized immigration levels to the US, which intensifies bias against Mexican immigrants.

President Obama in front of a world map.
Public Opinion

American Views toward Mexico

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

In May 2013, Americans' overall views of Mexico were at their lowest point ever in Chicago Council Survey history, and relatively few Americans are aware that Mexico is a top US trading partner.

Flag of Mexico
Christian Frausto Bernal
Public Opinion

Preventing North Korea from Building Nuclear Capacity is Americans' Top Priority for US-ROK Relationship

Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz

Americans show clear concern about North Korea’s nuclear capability and consider preventing the spread of nuclear weapons as a highly important US foreign policy goal.

North Korean soldiers look to the South through binoculars while on patrol.
Public Opinion

​Report on the US-ROK Alliance

Working Paper by Craig Kafura

This paper analyzes whether the strong relationship between the US and South Korea would be sustained under new presidents and how the Korean and American public’s view the alliance.

A ROK sailor waves flags in front of an aircraft carrier
Jermaine M. Ralliford
Public Opinion