The Last Hunger Season Revisited

We revisit the families profiled in Council senior fellow Roger Thurow's book, The Last Hunger Season, six years later.
Six years after its publication, Council senior fellow Roger Thurow returns to Western Kenya to revisit the farm families first profiled in his book, The Last Hunger Season. Learn how much progress the families have made while consequently seeing the challenges they still face. Powerful imagery brings their stories to life while Thurow also examines the US legacy of supporting the eradication of hunger at home and abroad.
About the Author
Roger Thurow
Former Senior Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture

Roger Thurow spent three decades at The Wall Street Journal as a foreign correspondent based in Europe and Africa prior to joining the Council in 2010. His coverage spanned the fall of the Berlin Wall, the release of Nelson Mandela, the end of apartheid, and humanitarian crises. He is the author of three books.