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Past Events

Invenergy CEO Michael Polsky on the Global Energy Transition


Michael Polsky joins the Council to discuss the global energy landscape and the importance of security, reliability, and affordability.

Michael Polsky speaking onstage at the Council Conference Center.

Exploring Public Views on China, Energy, and More


Council experts Karl Friedhoff and Craig Kafura discuss China and energy security ahead of the Global Energy Transition public program.

A solar panel installation in Ruicheng County in central China's Shanxi Province on Nov. 28, 2019
AP Photos

Commentary & Analysis

Gearing up for one of Chicago's most important conventions — and it's not the DNC

ChicagoGlobal by H. Lee Murphy

Organizers share what's in store for the International Manufacturing Technology Show, held every other year in late summer and draws more than 100,000 visitors worldwide.

Exterior view of McCormick Place conference center
Costar Group
Tech and Science

How a software update crippled global IT — and what can be done about it

ChicagoGlobal by H. Lee Murphy

A Chicago IT security exec discusses the worldwide outage and considers that maybe the global nature of data communications is less threatening than we thought.

A close-up view of a hand typing on a computer keyboard Tech and Science


Americans See Energy Supply Disruption as Biggest Threat to US Security

Public Opinion Survey by Coauthors

The public also remains concerned about the potential for a global economic downtown, Council polling shows.

Pipes at the landfall facilities of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline
Tech and Science

Bikes and Scooters on the Road to Net Zero? Yes, with Some 'Ifs'

Working Paper by Coauthors

Micromobility can play a major role in transportation decarbonization, but its potential varies depending on the conditions in which it's employed.

A group of people on bikes wait at a crosswalk
Olivier DJIANN
Global Cities