YP In-Depth on the Durability of Democracy
About This Event
With predictions of the highest voter turnout in decades, pundits, pollsters, candidates, and citizens have asseverated a central message: the US democratic process is intact. At the same time, voter suppression and intimidation tactics, claims of illegitimacy in mail voting, and partisan advocacy at the Supreme Court have diminished confidence in a core tenant of our centuries-old representative democracy—elections. Add pluralism turned partisanship, decline of civil liberties, as well as mounting health, climate, and culture crises, and the potential for democratic backsliding becomes clear. In the immediate wake of the 2020 national election, members of the Council’s Young Professionals Network are invited to analyze and discuss the durability of democracy in the United States and around the world, as well as the challenges of keeping a republic with the current pace of democratic decline with Soren Dayton of Protect Democracy.
YP In-Depth: Series Information
YP In-Depth is a programming series that aims to provide opportunities for members of the Council’s Young Professionals Network to engage substantively with critical global issues of the day. Each program is structured to allow attendees to examine a selected topic through conversations with an expert speaker and their peers, with the goals of generating informed perspectives and working toward solutions.