Private Sector Responsibility: Race, Equity, and Inclusion Part 3
About This Event
CEOs, heads of office, and other select C-suite executives from partner companies are invited to participate in a new series of exclusive roundtable discussions that will address the private sector’s role in combatting racism. This three-part series will dive into the urgency and responsibility facing companies to expand on and build out diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Chairman, Co-CEO & Chief Investment Officer of Ariel Investments John Rogers will close out the series on November 9 with a fireside chat on his work combatting racism in the corporate world and concrete steps he's taken to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within his own company. Each program will include active participation and discussion with peer senior executives.
This series will be conducted alongside our Corporate Leadership Breakfast series. Cohosted by Council President Ivo H. Daalder and Samuel C. Scott III, these executives-only meetings provide an opportunity for business leaders to participate in timely, corporate-relevant global policy discussions and hear directly from the Council’s bench of experts. They also provide a platform to showcase executive leadership in a room of peers, customers, service providers, and clients. From NAFTA to national security, immigration to climate change—insights from these discussions offer companies the competitive edge they need to thrive in an increasingly global economy.
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