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Global Food Security Symposium 2016

The  Global Food Security Symposium 2016  brought together key multi-disciplinary stakeholders to discuss transformations to the global food system necessary to feed growing cities.
The 2016 Global Food Security Symposium
Sanjeev Asthana
Doug Bereuter
Gordon Conway
Ivo H. Daalder
Cutberto Garza
Dan Glickman
Thomas Reardon
Navyn Salem
Roger Thurow
Ann M. Veneman
Event Date

About This Event

Two-thirds of the world’s population – 6.3 billion people – will live in urban areas by 2050, creating a staggering demand for nutritious, safe, and sustainable food. The global food system must transform to meet this demand. With this challenge, however, comes great opportunity to integrate the world’s small-scale farmers with burgeoning urban markets.

The Global Food Security Symposium 2016 will bring together key multi-disciplinary stakeholders to discuss transformations to the global food system necessary to feed growing cities. Participants will explore ideas to facilitate business investments and economic opportunities that can benefit small-scale farmers and urban consumers alike. At the symposium, the Council also will release a major report recommending specific actions that the US government can take to advance food security in an urban world. 

About the Speakers
Sanjeev Asthana
Former Nonresident Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Sanjeev Asthana
Sanjeev Asthana is a recognized leader in food and agriculture with over 25 years of experience. He is the founder and managing partner of I-Farm Venture Advisors and chairman of the National Skills Foundation of India. He works closely at the policy level with the government of India and international organizations including the World Bank and UNICEF, among others.
Council expert Sanjeev Asthana
Distinguished Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Doug Bereuter
Doug Bereuter is a distinguished fellow of global food and agriculture at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. For four years, he co-chaired the Council's Center on Global Food and Agriculture. He is the president emeritus of the Asia Foundation, a non-governmental development organization, which he led for more than six years following his service as a member of the US House of Representatives.
Council expert Doug Bereuter
Gordon Conway
Professor, Imperial College, London
Sir Gordon Conway is a professor of international development at Imperial College, and director of Agriculture for Impact, a grant funded by the Gates Foundation. He was chief scientific adviser to the Department for International Development. Previously, he was president of The Rockefeller Foundation, vice-chancellor of the University of Sussex, and recently president of the Royal Geographical Society.
CEO, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Headshot of Ivo H. Daalder
Ivo H. Daalder served as the US ambassador to NATO from 2009 to 2013. He joined the Council as president in 2013 and took on the new role of CEO in 2023. Previously, he was a senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution and served as director for European affairs on President Bill Clinton’s National Security Council. He is the author or editor of 10 books.
Headshot of Ivo H. Daalder
Cutberto Garza
Provost and Dean of Faculties, Boston College
Cutberto Garza has served as chair of the WHO Steering Committee, Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board, and the National Research Council’s Board on International Scientific Organizations. He is the recipient of the Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Prize for Education and Research, the Conrad Elvehjem Award for Public Service in Nutrition, and the Samuel J. Fomon Nutrition Award.
Distinguished Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Dan Glickman
Dan Glickman is a distinguished fellow in the Center on Global Food and Agriculture, having co-chaired the Center for nearly a decade. Currently, he's a senior counselor and chair of the International Advisory Board at APCO Worldwide; senior advisor to the US Global Leadership Coalition; and lead director of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group).
Council expert Dan Glickman
Thomas Reardon
Former Nonresident Senior Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Council expert Thomas Reardon
Thomas Reardon is a professor of agricultural, food, and resource economics at Michigan State University. He was also a 1000 Talents Program Scholar at Renmin University in Beijing. He's a global leader in research covering urbanization, diet change, and the transformation of agrifood value chains, including the rapid rise of supermarkets.
Council expert Thomas Reardon
Navyn Salem
Founder, Edesia/Global Nutrition Solutions
Navyn Salem is the founder of Edesia Nutrition, a nonprofit food aid manufacturer producing over 8000 metric tons each year of ready-to-use foods for humanitarian agencies. In 2012, Navyn was named New England Business Woman of the Year by Bryant University, received the Roger E. Joseph Prize from Hebrew Union College for being an outstanding humanitarian, and was awarded an honorary doctorate in social sciences from Boston College.
Roger Thurow
Former Senior Fellow, Global Food and Agriculture
Headshot for Roger Thurow
Roger Thurow spent three decades at The Wall Street Journal as a foreign correspondent based in Europe and Africa prior to joining the Council in 2010. His coverage spanned the fall of the Berlin Wall, the release of Nelson Mandela, the end of apartheid, and humanitarian crises. He is the author of three books.
Headshot for Roger Thurow
Ann M. Veneman
Former Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund, former US Secretary of Agriculture
Ann M. Veneman was the first and only woman to lead the United States Department of Agriculture as Secretary. She currently serves as a co-leader of the Nutrition and Physical Activity Initiative at the Bipartisan Policy Center. She was included on the Forbes World's 100 Most Powerful Women list and is a recipient of the Women Making History Award from the National Women’s History Museum.
David Auerbach
Cofounder, Sanergy
Niklas Buehren
Economist, Gender Innovation Lab, The World Bank
Nicole Clifton
Vice President, Global Public Affairs, UPS
Beth Dunford
Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Food Security, USAID; Deputy Coordinator for Development, Feed the Future
Tony O. Elumelu
Chairman, Heirs Holdings; Founder, The Tony Elumelu Foundation
Kala Fleming
Water, Agriculture and Healthcare Manager, IBM Research – Africa
John Ginascol
Corporate Vice President, Global Supply, Abbott Nutrition
Stephanie Hanson
Senior Vice President, Policy and Partnerships, One Acre Fund
Chris Jochnick
President and CEO, Landesa
Amy Kloubuchar
Member, US Senate (D-MN)
Linda Kwamboka
Cofounder and Director, M-Farm
John McDermott
Director, Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, International Food Policy Research Institute
Sara Menker
Founder and CEO, Gro Intelligence
Mathilde Mukantabana
Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the United States; Nonresident Ambassador to Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina
Chris Policinski
President and CEO, Land O’ Lakes
Kavita Prakash-Mani
Executive Director, Grow Asia
Justin P. Oberman
CEO and Cofounder, Till Mobile Corporation
Jack Reed
Member, US Senate (D-RI)
Maithreyi Seetharaman
Cochair, Fortune Most Powerful Women International; Anchor and Executive Editor, Real Economy
President, The Rockefeller Foundation
Photo of Rajiv Shah
Rajiv Shah is the president of The Rockefeller Foundation and previously served as the administrator of USAID, where he secured bipartisan support for the Global Food Security Act and Electrify Africa Act, led the US response to the Haiti earthquake and West African Ebola pandemic, and served on the National Security Council.
Photo of Rajiv Shah
Kavita Shukla
Founder and CEO, Fenugreen
Joe Stone
Corporate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Cargill, Inc.
Rodger Voorhies
Managing Director, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Catherine Woteki
Under Secretary and Chief Scientist, US Department of Agriculture

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