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North America

Year in Review: 2021 in Public Opinion

Running Numbers by Coauthors

It's been a busy 2021. Recap the year with the survey team's analyses of public opinion on the most critical issues at home and around the world.

Fireworks over the white house on inauguration 2021.
Chuck Kennedy
Public Opinion

US Public Grows Increasingly Divided on Immigration

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Despite majority approval among Democratic public, congressional Democrats struggle to pass immigration reform.

U.S. Border Patrol Agents at Border Field State Park in San Diego watch over personnel reinforcing the border fence with concertina wire
Mani Albrecht
Public Opinion

Healing America's Politics Starts in the Industrial Heartland

In the News
National Interest

John Austin, Brian Hanson, and coauthors write how leaders must address economic opportunity gaps with geography as a root cause of polarization.

Ken Lund
Ken Lund
Global Cities

Disappointments Abound in 2022 Pentagon Budget

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“Blindly increasing our defense dollars isn’t a path to more security,” writes Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, sits at a table with Congress to discuss China's pacing.
Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders
Defense and Security

China Dismisses Olympic Boycott as "Farce"

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Craig Kafura

"The 2021 Chicago Council Survey finds that a narrow majority of Americans support some sort of boycott of this year’s Beijing Olympics,” Craig Kafura tells WTTW.

Screen shot of Craig Kafura appearing with John Soares and Brent Huffman on Chicago Tonight. Public Opinion

Has Washington's Policy Toward Taiwan Crossed the Rubicon?

In the News
National Interest
Paul Heer

"If Taiwan […] is part of an international struggle against the PRC, how is that not a de facto ‘one China, one Taiwan’ policy?” writes Paul Heer in National Interest.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III administers the oath of office to Dr. Ely Ratner.
Chad J. McNeeley
US Foreign Policy

Overturning Roe v. Wade Would Threaten Women's Progress

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Katelyn Jones

Limiting abortion access will “exacerbate longstanding racial and reproductive health inequities,” argues Katelyn Jones in the Chicago Tribune.

A sign reading "This body is not a political battlefield" is held before a capitol building and cloudy sky.
Lorie Shaull
Inclusion and Equity

Biden Warns Putin Ukraine Invasion Will Be Met with Real Costs

Video Series
Featured Video

“The choice really now is Moscow. It can either engage in diplomacy or see the kinds of measures that President Biden laid out,” Ivo Daalder explains on CNN.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking about President Biden's meeting with Putin on CNN. Global Politics

Biden-Putin Talks on Ukraine Crisis Rooted in Older Dispute

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea discusses Russia-Ukraine tensions and the call between President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Chicago Tonight.

Screen shot of Cecile Shea on Chicago Tonight discussing Ukraine and Russia. US Foreign Policy

Biden's Democracy Summit Was Never a Good Idea. But Here's How to Make It Work.

In the News
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson coauthors four suggestions for mitigating the pitfalls and maybe even pulling off a success at the Summit for Democracy in Politico.

Adam Schultz
US Foreign Policy