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South America

Lula's Victory and Latin America's Leftward Shift

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Do victories for Lula in Brazil and fellow leftist leaders across Latin America represent a new “pink tide” sweeping the continent?

Lula's victory.
Global Politics

Brazil's Indigenous Peoples See Hope in Lula's Victory

Global Insight by Jill Langlois

Lula's victory has set high expectations for Indigenous rights and environmental protections. Now he needs to deliver.

Rally during 2022 presidential election in Brazil.
Climate and the Environment

Brazil's Fake News Problem Won't be Solved Before Election

In the News
Washington Post
Robert Muggah

Misinformation is clouding Brazil's election. The challenge is determining what information is true—and who gets to decide, writes Nonresident Fellow Robert Muggah.

Brazil presidential debate
Global Politics

Why Disinformation Could Prove Decisive in Brazil's Election

In the News
Open Democracy
Robert Muggah

As the run-off vote looms at the end of October, the far-right’s misinformation machine is going into overdrive, writes Robert Muggah.

Jair Bolsonaro meets with agribusiness leaders.
Global Politics

Disinformation Casts a Shadow over Brazilian Presidential Elections

In the News
Open Democracy
Robert Muggah

"Rumors, lies and misinformation played a decisive role in the first round, and they will play an even greater role in the second," writes Robert Muggah.

Brazil's President and candidate for re-election Jair Bolsonaro at a news conference at the Alvorada Palace in Brasilia, Brazil on October 4, 2022
Global Politics

Bolsonaro's Quest to Be Top Gun Endangers Brazil

In the News
Washington Post
Robert Muggah

Jair Bolsonaro "has emboldened his boosters to distrust the polls and decry the electoral system, while making sure they’re packing heat," writes Robert Muggah.

Brazilian President  Jair Bolsonaro gestures during a military event in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Defense and Security

Overheating Megacities are a Climate Problem and Solution

In the News
World Economic Forum
Robert Muggah

With substantial increases in annual temperatures and extreme heat locked in, Latin American cities offer a glimpse of the future of climate change.

Mexico City climate protests
Global Cities

The US-China Competition for Global Opinion

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

If the United States and China are competing over global public opinion, who’s winning, and where?

world leaders appear on screen at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Public Opinion

Peru's Rainforest Threatened by Ecosystem of Environment Crime

In the News
Robert Muggah

Robert Muggah explores how "a flourishing ecosystem of criminal groups is busy sacking the forest and rivers for cash and power" in the Peruvian Amazon.

An aerial view of the bridge Integracion on the Peru-Brazil border in the Amazon jungle of Madre de Dios
Climate and the Environment

World Review: Biden's Summit of the Americas, China's Goals in the South Pacific, Updates on Ukraine

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Jamil Anderlini, Carla Anne Robbins, and Peter Spiegel join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Honduran President Xiomara Castro and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris meet for a bilateral meeting at the presidential palace in Tegucigalpa
US Foreign Policy