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Industrial Heartland Renewal Can Diminish "Strong Men"

Global Insight by John Austin

Geographically targeted economic development strategies can serve as an antidote to political extremism in formerly industrial regions.

Industrial works silhouetted with a Ferris Wheel in Ruhr, Essen, Germany.
Florian Wächter
Global Economy

Biden Seeks Congressional Approval of $33B Package

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Elizabeth Shackelford

“What we’re seeing in terms of military assistance is unprecedented, and it’s likely to be essential for a drawn-out war,” says Elizabeth Shackelford on Chicago Tonight.

Screenshot of Elizabeth Shackelford with Paris Schutz and Tom Ginsburg on WTTW Chicago Tonight. Defense and Security

World Review: China's Economic Trouble, Allies Shift on Ukraine, and Germany's Energy U-Turn

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, Stefan Kornelius, and Peter Spiegel join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

People sit at tables while getting tested for COVID-19
Global Economy

Anti-West Views Peak Among Russians Over 60

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Old habits die hard for Russian elders, but younger Russians may be beginning to look West.

Destroyed wall of a building from Russia with the number (year) 1917, sickle and hammer.
Tengyart via Unsplash
Public Opinion

Russia's Resource Grab in Ukraine

In the News
Foreign Policy
Robert Muggah

"Ukraine’s extraordinary riches in energy, minerals, and agriculture are a prize for the Kremlin," writes Nonresident Senior Fellow Robert Muggah in Foreign Policy.

A worker throws coal into the smelting furnace at a steel mill in Ukraine's eastern city of Donetsk
Global Cities

Biden Seeks Massive Ukraine Aid Package

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Council President Ivo Daalder joins MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell to discuss Biden’s push for $33 billion in aid to Ukraine and the US-Russia prisoner exchange.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on Andrea Mitchel MSNBC with blue background. US Foreign Policy

Russia Going Nuclear Would Be Signing Their Own Death Certificates

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

“These are momentous changes in policy that required the kind of brutality that Vladimir Putin and his forces are displaying every day to mobilize,” Ivo Daalder tells Christiane Amanpour.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on CNN with Amanpour. Defense and Security

US, Allies Hold Meeting to Expand Military Aid for Ukraine

In the News
CNN International
Ivo H. Daalder

"There is an opportunity not just to reestablish sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, but weakening Russia for the long term,” says Ivo Daalder on CNNi.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on CNN's First Move with Julia Chatterley, in front of a red background. Defense and Security

NATO Defense Officials Meet in Germany

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"If it is a proxy war, it is such because Russia invaded Ukraine," Council President Ivo Daalder asserts on NPR's Morning Edition with Leila Fadel.

Lloyd Austin, Antony Blinken, and Volodomyr Zelenskyy before US and Ukraine flags.
US Foreign Policy

France, Slovenia, and Letting Ukraine into NATO

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

With Macron reelected, "France is much more capable of fighting alongside NATO forces," argues Council President Ivo Daalder on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on MSNBC. Defense and Security