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Eastern Europe

Biden: Risk of "Armageddon" Highest Since Early 1960s

In the News
Mitchel B. Wallerstein

Mitchel Wallerstein joins VOA's Cindy Saine to discuss President Biden's remarks that risk of "Armageddon" is the highest it has been in 60 years.

Mitchel Wallerstein speaks with VOA over Zoom. Defense and Security

Russian Forces Retreat from Lyman

In the News
CNN International
Ivo H. Daalder

Putin “has not learned the first law of holes, which is that if you're in one you stop digging,” Ivo Daalder tells CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CNNi with Fredricka Whitfield US Foreign Policy

The Coming War of Economic Attrition between Russia and the West

In the News
UN Dispatch
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson joins the Global Dispatches Podcast to discuss what have the sanctions against Russia have accomplished, and what they could possibly lead to.

U.S. President Joe Biden announces new actions against Russia for its war on Ukraine on March 11, 2022.
Global Economy

Putin Upsets UNGA, Rise of the Euroright, and Iran Protests

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Steve Erlanger, Kim Ghattas, and Peter Spiegel join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Global Politics

Russia's Struggles in Ukraine Seed Conflict in Its Neighborhood

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"If Russia’s struggles in Ukraine herald its broader decline, it’s unlikely an easy peace is ahead for many in Russia’s neighborhood," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

"A man stands next to a building damaged by recent shelling during border clashes with Azerbaijan"
Global Politics

Russia Mobilizes an Additional 300,000 Troops

In the News
BBC World News
Elizabeth Shackelford

"It's a clear sign that he's feeling that his back is up against a wall," Elizabeth Shackelford says of Russian President Vladimir Putin's partial military mobilization.

Elizabeth Shackelford speaks on BBC Defense and Security

Xi-Putin Summit, the UK after Elizabeth, and Ukraine Strikes Back

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Elise Labott, Philip Stephens, and Giles Whittell join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin sit together in a meeting.
Global Politics

Putin's NATO Bungle

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"Russia’s actions have only cemented American support for NATO," writes Council President Ivo Daalder in POLITICO.

Vladimir Putin sits at a desk and looks up from a folio with raised eyebrows, red flag behind him.
US Foreign Policy

Xi Jinping's Russia Problem

In the News
Newstalk ZB
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea joins the Mike Hosking Breakfast podcast to discuss why Chinese President Xi Jinping can't be seen supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, on June 5, 2019
Global Politics

The West Is Now a Co-Belligerent in the War in Ukraine

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

If Russia does ultimately lose the war, Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast argues, it will be a great victory for the West and NATO.

Ukrainian President Zelensky appears by video at NATO summit
Defense and Security