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North America

Are America and China Headed for Military Conflict?

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Is conflict inevitable between the two superpowers? Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer joins Jacob Heilbrunn and Elbridge A. Colby to discuss.

Profile head shot of Wang Yi looking to his left in front of a red Chinese flag.
Defense and Security

The Consequences of Downing China's Spy Balloon

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Craig Kafura

Is China's spy balloon a wakeup call for closer monitoring of US airspace? Craig Kafura explores the answer with Brandis Friedman and Ian Hurd.

Screen shot of Brandis Friedman and Ian Hurd facing a screen with Craig Kafura on it. US Foreign Policy

Defending Our Skies from Spy Balloons and Public Fear

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Join Deep Dish for a look at what the Chinese spy balloon tells us about the readiness of the US air defense system and what type of surveillance should worry us.

A jet flies by a suspected Chinese spy balloon as it floats off the coast in Surfside Beach
Defense and Security

Embracing Dandelions as Food and Medicine

Global Food for Thought by Linda Black Elk

Through their connection to traditional food practices, dandelions challenge colonized notions of food security and provide students with the opportunity to reconnect with Indigenous food systems.

A field of dandelions.
Vlad Vasilov
Food and Agriculture

Evaluating the US Response to China's Balloon

In the News
Sirius XM The Briefing
Bruce Jentleson

"Chinese satellites fly over the United States every day," Nonresident Senior Fellow Bruce Jentleson tells Steve Scully. "That doesn't make a headline the way a balloon does."

Sailors recover a high-altitude surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach
US Foreign Policy

Is China Really Scarier Than Zuckerberg?

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“The risk with TikTok is real, but American social media companies pose real risk, too,” writes Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

Hand holding cell phone with TikTok logo on the screen.
Nordskov Media
Tech and Science

Biden Cites US Resolve in Facing Aggression from Russia and China

In the News
VOA News
Elizabeth Shackelford

Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford remarks on the foreign policy details of President Biden's 2023 State of the Union address.

Biden pumping fist in front of a mic with Harris clapping behind him, American flag in the background.
US Foreign Policy

Seven Things That Would Fix Immigration in the US

In the News
John Austin

“Pro-immigration advocates should lead with comprehensive immigration reform as a way to restore order,” writes John Austin in TIME.

Asylum seeking migrants seen crossing water through a chain link fence at sunset.

How China's Balloon Impacts the Guardrails on Its US Relationship

In the News
SIRIUS XM The Briefing
Paul Heer

There was no way for Blinken’s Beijing trip to go on as planned and not focus inordinately on the balloon incident, argues Paul Heer.

White Chinese balloon is shot down against a blue sky, white smoke.
Defense and Security

What Not to Worry about with Chinese Balloon over United States

In the News
Bruce Jentleson

China’s balloon was not a “real strategic threat,” says Bruce Jentleson. “Our satellites overfly China all the time and theirs overfly us.”

Screenshot of Bruce Jentleson (R) talking with Chris Lovingood Defense and Security