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John Austin

How to (Finally) Defeat Populism

In the News
Foreign Policy

Rust Belts exist around the world, and integrating them into the larger trans-Atlantic community is key to political stability.

Railway workers in Iran
Javad Esmaeili
Global Politics

Secure US Supply Chains With Allies, and Move Out of China

In the News

The Biden Administration should focus on "ally-shoring" to rebuild supply chains and box out actors like China and Russia.

shipping containers stacked together Global Economy

Economic Divisions are Driving Political Ones

In the News
John Austin

John Austin contributes to Politico's collection of essays titled What Trump Showed Us About America.

Street art
Annie Spratt
Global Economy

Deliver for the Heartland, Help Close the Divide

In the News
John Austin

John Austin and Paul Schickler discuss the divide between rural and urban economic opportunities.

Derick McKinney
Global Economy

The Best Medicine for a COVID-19 Economy? More Education and Training

In the News
The Hill
John Austin

In many of the new and growing jobs, higher skill requirements can best be met by providing workers with more extensive and affordable post-secondary education opportunities.

A person with long hair, wearing a graduation cap, stands with their back to the camera Global Economy

'Ally-Shoring' Will Help US Rebuild Economy and Global Leadership

In the News
The Hill
John Austin

Ally-shoring describes a program of sourcing essential materials, goods, and services with trusted friends while disengaging from China and other states that seek to undermine American interests from critical supply chains.

View of the Chicago Skyline from Lake Michigan Global Economy

With High-tech Farming, We Can Usher in a Rural Renaissance

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
John Austin

After the coronavirus pandemic has upended so much, we’re now reworking our supply chains for national food security and elevating agriculture back to a noble profession.

A farmer rides a tractor through a crop while harvesting Food and Agriculture

"Ally On-Shoring" in the Age of China and Trump

In the News
The New Diplomatist
John Austin

In this episode, Garrison host's John C. Austin for a discussion of his theory of "Ally On-Shoring", a proposed method of economic and security cooperation among democracies in the face of the rising challenges of a revisionist China abroad and a resurgent protectionist and nationalist attitude at home.

Stacks of shipping containers in Shanghai
Global Economy

Re-Forge Strategic Alliances and Check China Abroad, Rebuild Economy at Home

In the News
John Austin

The industrial heartlands of the U.S. and its European allies have become crucibles for the polarizing politics of neo-populism for a population left behind in the information age.

Global Economy

COVID-19 Silver Lining? New Opportunity for Midwest's Smaller Communities

Global Food for Thought by John Austin

Several forces propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic may intersect to spin new life into more of the Midwest's still-struggling factory towns, second-tier cities, and rural hinterlands.

West 5th Street in Ashtabula, Ohio. Food and Agriculture