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Global Economy

CPTPP Countries March Forward in an Uncertain Trade Climate

Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), is to be signed March 8—one year after the US stepped away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Trade ministers and delegates from the remaining members of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) attend the TPP Ministerial Meeting during the APEC 2017
Global Economy

The Importance of Race in Attitudes Toward Trade and Globalization

Global Insight by Coauthors

Ethnic and racial minorities show greater support for globalization. These results indicate that trade is as much of a psychological and social issue as it is an economic issue.

A person rides a scooter past shipping containers in the Port of Shanghai
Global Economy

Chicago has the best weather for Amazon's HQ2. Why? No destructive hurricanes.

In the News
Chicago Tribune

Has Chicago's notorious weather suddenly become its biggest asset? Does the city of wind chill and blizzards actually have the climate that somebody would pay $5 billion for?

Chicago's skyline with snow and gray sky Global Economy

NAFTA talks are a major test for Trump—and they won't be easy

In the News
The Washington Post
Cécile Shea

The Trump administration has begun talks to reform the 23-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, a negotiation that could boost US business and fulfill one of the president's primary campaign promises — or end up jeopardizing the North American economy.

Screenshot of a video about NAFTA from the Washington Post Global Economy

This Week's Reads: Globalization, Inevitable and Unavoidable

Global Insight by Ivo H. Daalder

Globalization cannot be stopped, yet we can do a much better job dealing with its consequences by addressing the needs of those most adversely affected.

A man walks in front of shipping containers in Shanghai
Global Politics

What Is Currency Manipulation, After All?

Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

Alexander Hitch explains the difference between manipulating and managing a currency and examines the advantages for China to engage in manipulation.

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands
Global Economy

Don't Blame Trade: Low-Skilled Job Losses Will Not Be Solved by Protectionism

Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

President Trump should tackle the problem of job dislocation broadly by building a larger retraining system in sectors where the US possesses a comparative advantage.

Workers inside an Audi plant in Mexico, with the frame of a car in the foreground
Carlos Aranda
Global Economy

On Immigration and Trade, It's Republican Elites, Not Donald Trump, Who Are Out of Step With Party's Voters

In the News
Washington Post

Dina Smeltz and Craig Kafura discuss public opinion of Republican party's positions on immigration and trade.

Senator Mitch McConnell presents President Donald Trump with a Louisville Slugger bat
Office of Senator Mitch McConnell

How the 'Trump Effect' Is Taking Hold in Europe Too

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Richard C. Longworth

Richard Longworth examines how the "democratic deficit," in Europe is considered the "Trump effect" in America.

President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence Global Economy

How Are Some Fragile Cities Tackling Their Worst Problems?

In the News
Robert Muggah

Security researcher Robert Muggah explains how some cities are using new approaches to address these problems.

Global Cities