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Public Opinion

Pan-African Attitudes on Gerontocracy

Running Numbers by Emma Geiser

As the youngest continent in the world, Africans want upper age limits for elected officials while still respecting elders.

Protesters demonstrate against Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni outside Uganda House in London
Public Opinion

South Korea Reacts to US Document Leaks

In the News
NPR All Things Considered
Karl Friedhoff

President Yoon Suk-yeol is under fire for his administration’s US relationship following the Pentagon leak, Karl Friedhoff says.

Tables with South Korea delegation on the left and US delegations on the right, flags in the center in front of a blue background.
Global Politics

Conservative Base Still behind Yoon, but Broader Support Wanes

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

"Yoon Suk-yeol likely pays closer attention to one metric above all else — his base support," writes Karl Friedhoff.

Yoon delivers a speech to students at Keio University in Tokyo
Global Politics

Does Older Mean Wiser? US Views on Gerontocracy

Running Numbers by Emma Geiser

While Americans broadly support upper age limits for federal elected officials, age is not their top consideration when choosing a candidate.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Dianne Feinstein
Public Opinion

American Consensus on Ukraine Has Fractured

In the News
Foreign Policy
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson offers his take on how the war could play out in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis arrives onstage for his first trip to Iowa
US Foreign Policy

With 20-Year Hindsight, Public Opinion and the Iraq War

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

To be suspicious of Iraq was part of the American zeitgeist long before 2003, survey data show.

George W. Bush speaks in front of a sign that says 'strategy for victory'
Public Opinion

20 Years after Iraq War, Americans Still Want the US Involved in World Affairs

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Though partisan support has shifted over time, Council data show the public continues to favor active US engagement in global issues.

a soldier overlooks Iraq
US Foreign Policy

The 2000s Called, They Want Their Politics Back

In the News
Dina Smeltz

FiveThirtyEight draws on Council data in a podcast episode reflecting on the anniversary of the Iraq War.

George W. Bush speaks at a lecturn
US Foreign Policy

Yoon's Support Stands Firm despite Opposition to Forced Labor Deal

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

Although the agreement is unpopular among South Koreans, it hasn't had much impact on the president's approval rating, Karl Friedhoff writes.

: Holding a mock rising sun flag of Japan disgraced with a portrait of South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol, a man attends protest marches in front of the Japanese Embassy in Korea
Public Opinion

Yoon Suk-Yeol's Rising Approval Rates May Not Be What They Seem

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

A gap between polling results could lead the administration to draw dramatically different conclusions about which policies to pursue going forward, Karl Friedhoff writes.

South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during a ceremony
Public Opinion