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Public Opinion

American Foreign Policy in the 2020 Election

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

James M. Lindsay of the Council on Foreign Relations joins the Council's Dina Smeltz to discuss the findings of the newly released 2019 Chicago Council Survey on how Americans view US foreign policy.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris debate as Senator Bernie Sanders listens
Public Opinion

Debunked! Most Americans Do Support the US Engaging in World Affairs, Not Retreating

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

A powerful belief has taken hold that Americans are exhausted from global overreach. Council President Ivo Daalder debunks the notion that Americans want to retreat from world affairs.

President Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo
Public Opinion

Mexicans Have Distinctive Views of Trump and of the United States

Running Numbers by Leena Kim

Although US President Donald Trump is quite unpopular in Mexico, Mexican views of the US-Mexico relationship are not as negative as their views of Trump.

US President Donald Trump speaking in Phoenix, Arizona.
Gage Skidmore
Public Opinion

Hong Kong's Young and Old Are Split Over Who is to Blame

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

A recent survey among Hong Kong residents shows that they're dissatisfied with the actions of the police and support an independent investigation into the protest's origins and potential police abuse.

Two million people gathered to protest in Hong Kong
Mason Yim
Public Opinion

In Korea-Japan Dispute, Japanese Public Backs Export Controls

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Relations between Japan and South Korea are in free fall, with the two key US allies in Asia engaged in a steadily escalating economic conflict.

View of the Port of Busan from Busan Tower, South Korea Public Opinion

The Heartland Is Moving in Different Directions

In the News
The New York Times
Richard C. Longworth

The Midwest remains undecided, but conflicting trends point alternately toward victory for Trump or his eventual opponent.

Visitors to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Public Opinion

Peace to Prosperity Misses the Mark with Palestinians

Running Numbers by Bettina Hammer

Palestinians are critical of the US and Peace to Prosperity plan.

An aerial view of Jerusalem
Toa Heftiba
Public Opinion

Trump and His Advisers are Probably Wrong about What Foreign Policy Americans Want

In the News
The Washington Post

Dina Smeltz and Joshua Busby discuss American public opinion of Trump's foreign policy positions.

Donald J. Trump shakes hands with Kim Jong Un Public Opinion

Scholars vs the Public: Collapse of the INF Treaty

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

In early February 2019, the United States withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. Russia withdrew from the treaty the next day.

The Russian flag
Dmitry Djouce
Public Opinion

Diplomacy in the Air on Korean Peninsula

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

Recent summits between Korean and American leaders may determine whether diplomacy or military confrontation will prevail in engaging North Korea.

A close-up image of a military plane in the air with clouds. Public Opinion