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Public Opinion

How Trump Is Mobilizing an Isolationist Worldview

In the News
Foreign Policy
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder breaks down Council survey data on a growing desire among Republicans to stay out of world affairs.

Ivo Daalder speaks via video call US Foreign Policy

Ukraine's Horizon: US Support and Strategies for 2024

In the News
Transatlantic Dialogue Center
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz joins a panel of fellow experts to unpack where the US public stands as the war continues.

Dina Smeltz speaks via video call Public Opinion

Overseas Conflicts Are Sparking Strife in US Party Politics

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz uses recent surveys to break down how the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine have divided the parties.

Dina Smeltz talks with others via video call Public Opinion

The GOP Has Crossed an Ominous Threshold on Foreign Policy

In the News
The Atlantic

A new Council study of Republican attitudes helps explain why, Ronald Brownstein writes.

Donald Trump speaks in front of an American flag graphic
AP Photos
Public Opinion

What the American Public Thinks of China

In the News
National Committee on US-China Relations
Craig Kafura

Craig Kafura unpacks Council survey findings on US attitudes toward Beijing.

Craig Kafura speaks via video call US Foreign Policy

Trump-Supportive Republicans Have Harder-Line Views on Immigration

In the News
Washington Post

The issue that drove Donald Trump’s original presidential bid remains a divider within his party, Council data show.

A Trump supporter wears a red Make America Great Again hat and a suit with a brick wall pattern
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Year in Review: 2023 in Public Opinion

Running Numbers by Libby Berry

Over the past 12 months, our pollsters tracked public attitudes on everything from the war in Ukraine to conflict in the Middle East.

The 2023 New Year's Eve numerals are displayed in Times Square,
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Plurality of Americans Say US Should Be Neutral Mediator in Israel-Hamas War

Running Numbers by Coauthors

As the humanitarian toll in Gaza continues to climb and fears of a wider war grow, Americans are wary of direct military involvement in the conflict.

Israel's President Isaac Herzog and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hold a meeting in Tel Aviv
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Poll: Proportion of Americans Worried about China's Rise Hits Post-Cold War High

In the News
Radio Free Asia
Craig Kafura

The US public's perception of China has changed significantly since Xi Jinping took office, Craig Kafura says.

China's President President Xi Jinping speaks during a meeting with President Joe Biden
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Americans Say US Security Relationships around the World Strengthen National Security

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

The US public sees benefits from ties with Ukraine, Taiwan, and more.

President Joe Biden shakes hands with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as they meet in the East Room of the White House
AP Photos
Public Opinion