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Time for a National Strategy on Food

In the News
The Hill

Ertharin Cousin and Dan Glickman write in the Hill how the US economy, public health, and hunger rates all demand a comprehensive plan on food and nutrition.

View down a grocery aisle from the front of an empty grocery cart.
Food and Agriculture

World Review: COP26, G-20 Takeaways, and France Mends Fences

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Journalists Nirmal Ghosh and Elise Labott join Council President Ivo Daalder to review the news of the week.

Two people talk on stage with spotlights on them
Climate and the Environment

Connecting Foreign Policy Issues to Average Americans

In the News
The Confluence
Elizabeth Shackelford

“The American public is actually very heavily in favor of American global engagement,” Elizabeth Shackelford tells NPR's the Confluence.

View of Pittsburgh at sunset near a bridge.
Matt Evans
Public Opinion

Climate Change—The Biggest US Security Threat?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

While framing climate change as a national security threat isn’t new, recent reports argue when it comes to security planning, climate is the central concern, not a peripheral issue.

Icebergs melt near Greenland
Climate and the Environment

Diplomacy Doesn't Work in a Zero-Risk World

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

Extreme risk aversion in diplomacy sends the message that nonmilitary international relationships are not a US priority, says Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

A wrought iron fence painted white with a US Embassy sign.
US Foreign Policy

Don't Blame Cities for COVID-19

In the News
La Cahiers
Samuel Kling

Director of Global Cities Research Sam Kling writes in La Cahiers on the history leading to the vilification of cities and density early in the pandemic.

Jackson Avenue in Chicago empty during COVID-19 with a sign saying "stay home."
Raed Mansour
Global Cities

Post-Pandemic Cities: Recovery, Transition, and Renewal

In the News
Diplomatic Courier
Foroogh Farhang

“Cities play an increasingly central role in addressing the environmental crisis and in welcoming the growing number of migrants,” Foroogh Farhang cowrites in the Diplomatic Courier.

A view of Palermo from a balcony with a lamp post with blue sky and clouds.
Denis Simonet
Global Cities

Joe Manchin: The Voice of Moderate Democrats? Or a Party Outlier?

Running Numbers by Coauthors

As President Biden heads to the UN climate summit, one Senator has gutted his plans for clean energy reform.

Climate and the Environment

The Food Waste and Climate Connection

Global Food for Thought by Eden Merkle

If food waste were a country, it would be the world's third-largest greenhouse gas emitter behind China and the US.

A worker dumps pre-consumer food waste
Climate and the Environment

Shackelford on America's Soft Power: NPR's Simoncast

In the News
Elizabeth Shackelford

Elizabeth Shackelford joins NPR's Simoncast to reflect on her career in foreign policy and the potential of US diplomacy through “soft power.”

cover artwork for the simoncast at Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale US Foreign Policy