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Ukraine Sees 'Year of Victory' but Russia Has Other Plans

In the News
Washington Post
Elizabeth Shackelford

“If it doesn’t wrap in 2023, Putin will have a very big upper hand. As it is, Zelensky still has a shot because he still has very strong support.”

Ukrainian soldiers fire an anti-aircraft weapon in Bakhmut on January 10, 2023.
Global Politics

For Putin and Xi, 2023 Could Mark the True 'End of History'

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Events over the past year have demonstrated the inherent flaws of governance systems that allow power to be consolidated in the hands of a single individual," Paul Poast argues.

A giant screen broadcasts news footage of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin
Global Politics

Hunger in Alabama's Black Belt: Developing Sustainable Food Systems

In the News
Andrew Williams

Andrew Williams of the Deep South Food Alliance discusses hunger in Alabama’s Black Belt, and what can be done to improve economic conditions related to food and agriculture

A man in a blue shirt walks through a field of crops.
Erik Aquino
Food and Agriculture

Going Beyond Regenerative Agriculture on Tribal Lands

Global Food for Thought by Leah Altman

Regenerative agriculture helps build just food economies, protecting Indigenous ways of knowing despite outside pressure to conform to globalized agricultural practices.

Doyan and Kaiesta smile into the camera as they hold up two stalks of corn.
Intertribal Agriculture Council
Food and Agriculture

What to Expect for South Korea's Economy and Society in the Year Ahead

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

Karl Friedhoff joins other analysts to offer insights on what 2023 might bring for South Korea.

Seoul skyline
Public Opinion

Looking Ahead To 2023

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Bobby Ghosh, Susan Glasser, and Prashant Rao join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

China post zero-covid policy
Global Politics

National Security This Week

In the News
KYMN Radio
Elizabeth Shackelford

Elizabeth Shackelford joins host Jon Olson to discuss the militarization of American foreign policy.

U.S. Marines conduct a live fire exercise US Foreign Policy

South Korea Revives Nuclear Debate as Tensions With the North Rise

In the News
Wall Street Journal
Karl Friedhoff

“South Koreans know they are living in a very unforgiving region so perhaps taking security into their own hands is seen as a logical next step."

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol gives a New Year's address on January 1, 2023.
Global Politics

Municipal Activism: How Cities Stand Up for LGBTQ+ Rights

Global Insight by Jenna Kaplan

Around the world, cities continue to protect the basic human rights of vulnerable populations in the face of fierce opposition from national governments.

Pride Parade
Robin Worrall
Global Cities

2023 Farm Bill: Enhancing Agricultural Safety Nets

Global Food for Thought by Senay Emmanuel

The 2023 Farm Bill will be a significant legislative hurdle that will require input, coordination, and buy-in from all sectors and actors within the domestic food system.

A tractor pulls a wagon of hay through a field of wheat.
Olia Gozha
Food and Agriculture